Test discussion - nothing interesting here :D

Gabriele Mazzola 🧭
13 replies
Just wanted to see how my shiny new profile GIF works out. P.S. Do you like it? If my memory is correct, a few months ago GIFs would be playing automatically. Did PH change this recently? They now work only on hover


Just testing :)
@shownotes nice!! Please send the link when you do! By the way, do you know why product don't get featured? Just happened to us today during our launch..
@gabriele_mazzola I am creating a quick collection of PH hacks and will make them available here to the community using phhacks.com, your GIF avatar will be there too!
Emily Willis
Ooooh I love it!!! But yes it only animates on hover sadly
@emily_willis1 Yeah, not sure why they made that choice!
Jade Grimwood
Ohhh it came through in the email notification for this post beautifully! Played automatically.
@jade_grimwood Oh really? did it animate in the email?! cool!
Jade Grimwood
@gabriele_mazzola It did! It was super cool! Definitely caught my eye!
Business Marketing with Nika
Comments and GIFs are not somehow compatible :D But I like the visual. Why have you decided for that one? Is it horse? :D
@busmark_w_nika No it's actually a capybara, and it's the mascot of our product haha :D Thanks for the appreciation, though! By the way, we're launching today, in 1 hour! 🚀🚀