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  • Subject lines with a higher open rate. Can you share yours?

    That one short line that changes everything. Especially the number of people who continue reading your newsletter. πŸ™‚ From the very beginning I started writing newsletters, my best performing were: 1️⃣ Open rate: 53.3 % Subject line: What can help you with Twitter's growth? πŸš€ Preview text: And is Twitter premium worth it? πŸ€” Thoughts from the YouTube interview 2️⃣ Open rate: 51.2 % Subject line: One Year on Product Hunt and Community Building Preview text: My observations and thoughts that I reflected on during this time. 3️⃣ Open rate: 47.4 % Subject line: Twitter Premium Experiment: I bought a Blue Checkmark for 1 month. This is what happened Preview text: These 3,000 followers on the Product Hunt πŸ”₯ , new collaboration and Twitter Premium 4️⃣ Open rate: 47.3 % Subject line: Can you conquer the world with your "faceless" brand? πŸ₯· Preview text: Let's find an answer together. Or not? 5️⃣ Open rate: 47.2 % Subject line: 10 tips: Prepare your start-up for the conference πŸš€ Preview text: I learned this at the Slush conference; it can help you present your business 6️⃣ Open rate: 43.8 % Subject line: STEAL attention using these emotions πŸ‘€ Preview text: But be careful. Otherwise, you can make a lot of enemies. 7️⃣ Open rate: 42.7 % Subject line: Are you loud enough in your business? πŸ“£ Preview text: Not being annoying but being visible at the same time is (not) a science Do you have any examples of good subject lines that outperformed other emails in the open rate? BTW: In the comments is a form for signing up to my newsletter. πŸ™‚


    Yvik Ye
    10 best subject lines for your newsletters, the last one will be blow your mind!
    Business Marketing with Nika
    @xspiral ahaaa :D that is actually a neat idea to repurpose the most successful videos on YouTube to newsletter. :D
    These are the best performing subject lines for us so far (it's only been 14 weeks and 1K subscribers) Open Rate: 69% Subject Line: Do your market research in minutes, not hours Preview text : Why you should use Perplexity AI to get better market insights Open Rate: 59% Subject Line: Analyze Your Competition Faster Than Your Morning Coffee Brews Preview text : Stop wasting time manually filling out Notion tables and Google Sheets. Focus on high-quality competitive analysis instead. Open Rate: 54% Subject Line: Spy Your Competitors From Your inbox or slack Preview text : You actually don't even need Slack for this tutorial 😏. Open Rate: 51% Subject Line: 4 (free) AI tools that changed my Product Discovery Preview text : How I turned a 10 hours process into 35 minutes of work Open Rate: 50% Subject Line: My Favorite AI Assistants (and how you can build your own). Preview text : You can use these fine tuned specific AI assistants for your daily tasks Hope it can help. PS : you can check the content here : https://theproductcourier.substa...
    Business Marketing with Nika
    @toni_pm Thank you, Toni, I subscribed. :) No wonder that the first one was the most successful. I think that subjects that point out to saving time are good hooks. Everybody has only 24 hours. :D
    @busmark_w_nika Thanks for your support ! You're right, how to save time is a key topic for people to read about. As well as : make more money / get higher Status / be healthier ! πŸ˜…
    Natalia Toth
    I almost always run an A/B test for subject lines, and we've seen good results so far :) For example, our feature launch emails: Instant Link Confirmation is here! 🦝 - Open Rate 75% Say Hi to Bulk Site Submission - Open Rate 61.54% Or when we announced our blog: The link-building blog you've been waiting for πŸ“’ 50% Open Rate Link-building secrets, straight from the Raccoon's den 🦝 50% Open Rate
    Business Marketing with Nika
    @natalia_toth Are you concentrating on email marketing topic right? :) Just to know any idea about your audience interest :)
    Rahul Agarwal
    What's a common problem you wish there was a better product for?
    Business Marketing with Nika
    @rahul_agarwal23 Do you think it would be a good topic for a subject line? Or what do you exactly mean by that?
    Abhra Ch.
    Launching soon!
    Hey @busmark_w_nika! πŸ˜„ Your subject lines are super compelling and it's fascinating to see how effective they've been with such high open rates! I especially love 'What can help you with Twitter's growth? πŸš€.' It's intriguing and clearly resonates with your audience. One of my best-performing subject lines was 'Unlock Your Growth Potential: 5 Proven Strategies ✨,' which garnered a 49% open rate. Looking forward to more insights and definitely signing up for your newsletter! 😍
    Prem Saini
    Some of our top performing Subject lines We usually customise and play with the pain points when the new feature comes in, that has worked wonders for us! 1. Your 24/7 Sales Team (51.2%) 2. Automate, Engage, Convert WhatsApp Flows Are Live😱 (42.3%)
    Business Marketing with Nika
    @prem_saini1 Do you think that preview texts also play a huge role?
    Launching soon!
    Open Rate: 53% Boost Efficiency and Cut Costs in {Company Name} with AI
    AndrΓ© J
    These headlines are very "clickbaity" I found out that if you go a little bit off path with headlines, you can get more traction. Because people don't get that initial, ahh this is just clickbait. They lurk more if the headline is a bit different from what is to be expected.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    @sentry_co can you share a good example of the headline? Ideally it could be proved by numbers in open rates.
    AndrΓ© J
    @busmark_w_nika As the SoMe hell....I-mean-*land*-scape 😈 continues to be saturated by cheapskate clickbait headlines for quick wins (because of the AI-era). The pendulum swings back to more authentic experiences. As such my theory is that we will see an insurgence of more eclectic and original headlines. These are not that easy to scale tho, requires finesse, timing and skill. And can't be generated by an AI, at least not yet. An example, since you asked, Would be my post on PH 2 weeks ago. "Amplify your storytelling by blending these AI writing tools πŸ€–" https://www.producthunt.com/disc... (this headline felt more original, the lurker hock was in the word "blending" and Amplifying felt more in tune with the idea that AI should enhance humans, not replace them, which a lot of people currently have an anxiety for atm) I had 10 other ideas for headlines. But they were all: Too bullish, too clickbaity. Like: "Level Up Your Storytelling with These Mind-Blowing AI Writing Tools!" πŸ˜…
    Business Marketing with Nika
    @sentry_co the answer is somewhere in the middle. You need to grab the attention somehow but it means a lot how you say it. and what words you will use. The worst part happens when you need to fit into 80 characters so people can read the whole line. The only way to "cheat" the system is A/B/C/D testing of options with mass mailing of the campaign winner to the rest of the subscribers. I haven't tried it from this MailChimp account yet but it's time to try it. 🀘
    Kostya Bolshukhin
    I was surprised that best performing line is a straightforward "brute force" one
    Business Marketing with Nika
    @kostyabolsh if you disagree with me :D you can :D I like when people debate with me their angle of view :D But if you think it is really awesome, thanks :)
    Sure, here are a few subject lines that have worked well for us: "Unlock Exclusive Business Growth Tips Inside!" and "Don't Miss Out: Your Marketing Strategy Needs This."
    Business Marketing with Nika
    @ik_pegasi It looks like the AI ​​Grabbed from my handle the "business" and "marketing" keywords and created 2 subject lines. Thank you, I haven't been able to use AI in my whole life. I am glad that someone did it for me.
    That's a great list with good numbers. I am just here for the knowledge :)
    Business Marketing with Nika
    @vaibhavdwivedi TBH, I am there for the knowledge too :D Because I am not completely satisfied with my results :D
    Maxmillian Barker
    Super interesting, seeing your hooks. It's interesting to see what people open and don't.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    @mxmilan_ Do you have any newsletter or tips? :)
    Rowe Morehouse
    subject: "Your download ..."
    Business Marketing with Nika
    @rowemore Yes, I need to try this :D But at first... I should try to do something people can download. 😁 some leadmagnet.
    Daniel Zaitzow
    You've got some crazy high open rates!!! any secret?
    Business Marketing with Nika
    I do not think that these are very high. But would try to use triggering words like secret or something they possibly can see value. @dzaitzow
    Daniel Zaitzow
    @busmark_w_nika that checks out - how big is the mailing list?
    Thomas Turner
    Personalization Power: Personalizing subject lines with a recipient's name or mentioning past interactions can boost open rates.
    David Walker
    Intrigue with Specificity: Subject lines that pique curiosity while offering a specific benefit can be effective.
    Prabath Hewasundara
    While open rates and subject lines are important, it's crucial to consider segmentation and other related metrics for a fair comparison. That said, here are a few of my top performers: 1️⃣ Open rate: 50.9% Subject line: How We Grew Our {{one of my client name}} Revenue by 200% in Just 12 Months πŸš€ Preview text: A behind-the-scenes look at our successful marketing strategy. 2️⃣ Open rate: 52.8% Subject line: {{first.name}}, Build Your First No-Code App This Weekend πŸ› οΈ Preview text: A step-by-step guide just for you, to create your first app without any coding. 3️⃣ Open rate: 34.3% Subject line: Unlock These 5 Growth Hacks to Skyrocket Your Startup πŸš€ Preview text: {{first.name}}, Proven strategies you can implement today to accelerate your business growth.
    Maryna Kotenko
    Wow, something worth of stealing πŸ˜…
    Nitin Joshi
    Nice Nika, Keep sharing such a valuable information.