Solo or a team of founders?

Alex Egorov
38 replies
Tell the community about your startup founding team. Are you solo, or are you a founding team? Why?


We are making Letterly mobile app with the team 😊 By the way, we are launching on the 12th of January:
@dmytrosem awesome, same! Happy to support each other
@iilfat reach out on LinkedIn if we are not connected, we are launching Feb and happy to support each other
Dmytro Semyrian
@slimmy82 Checked out your profile and am following you. My launch is also soon )
Julia Doronina
I am one of the co-founders (we have 3 core team members)
Sarah Playford
It depends on the strengths and preferences of the individuals involved, as well as the nature of the business.
Aarav Krishna
Both solo and team founders have their merits. Solo founders often have autonomy and quick decision-making, while a team brings diverse skills and support. Choose based on your strengths, vision, and ability to collaborate effectively.
I'm solo, mainly because I prefer to move as fast as possible.
We are a tight knit team of founders, bringing our diverse skills and passions together. The collective energy keeps us motivated.
Initially there were 4 of us building KLU but we are growing 😊
Annie Chopra
I am actually both a solopreneur and the part of a founding team for another startup! I have loved both and actually like that I get to experience both
Joël Wurtz
I'm both! The first startup I launched which is still active today was launched on my own. After being with my success partner for a while, we decided to launch a startup together! :)
Nithin Jawahar
I have a co-founder. And it really helps to stay on course and grow faster by diving the tasks between us. And it is a huge morale booster 🚀
Alex, currently a small team of founders ( :
Jen Anderson
Solo. I had a cofounder who left the business very early on.
Solo founder of a cybersecurity company. I'm solo mostly because there isn't a healthy pool of cybersecurity entrepreneurs per se (especially in my space). If I had the choice I would have a cofounder. That being said, I focused on getting great advisors and a supportive team and that has helped immensely!
Dmytro Semyrian
As a solo founder myself, I understand the challenges and benefits of going it alone. However, I am curious to hear from those who have chosen to have a founding team. What made you decide to work with others? How has having a team impacted your startup's growth and success? Any specific advice for solo founders considering bringing on a team? Looking forward to hearing your insights!
Matteo Zumpano
I am a solo founder, Hard at the start however I am looking forward to building a team in the near future!