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  • Social Media vs. Email marketing

    Ruben Boonzaaijer
    9 replies
    Which is better?


    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    For me, social media – more people to reach.
    Dzmitry Tsemirau
    It all depends on your product. But both have their pros and cons.
    Divine Rivers
    For us Email Marketing has been one of our most productive strategies. Quantity matters, but can be more effective than social media that is used for down-time/entertainment and is harder to pierce through. With email, perfect your subject line and engaging content, and you will get early traction much easier at a lower cost of time and dollar investment. Both are communicating to prospects, however, email inboxes are a quieter/less distracting environment Email is also inherently more direct as you are sending personalized emails to prospects rather than hoping prospects see your content/ads
    Divine Rivers
    @yamisun We collect email addresses that follow a standardized format i.e a particular company or school email, and cross reference on job/school sites
    Juliette BEGUE
    Email first : Building a reliable database is far more efficient and take less time. With a strong segmentation strategy, you will have an amazing ROI. If you want to reach a larger audience, yes social media is great, especially with an ads budget. But you will never be sure you will reach people who follow your brand. That's a huge issue for me.
    Social media is great for reaching a broad audience, but email marketing allows for more personalized communication. Problem: Struggling to engage with your audience on a more personal level through email marketing. Contentify can help by using AI agents to automate the creation and scheduling of personalized email campaigns, optimizing content for maximum engagement. Try Contentify AI for Free here just look up Contentify AI