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  • Share Your Most Awkward Language Barrier Moments from Travel✈️🤣

    20 replies
    I once tried to ask for a restaurant recommendation in Tokyo, but the pronunciation was a bit off, and I ended up at a completely different place! It was a mix-up, but it turned into a fun culinary detour. 🍣🤔 Have you had any funny or awkward experiences with language barriers while traveling? Share your stories!


    Jackson Tylor
    My most awkward language barrier moment was accidentally ordering an entire fish platter instead of a single dish at a restaurant, much to the surprise of the waiter and myself!
    john milton
    I once tried ordering a spicy dish in Paris, but my French must’ve sounded more like dessert because I got a crème brulee instead! Not quite the heat I was looking for but hey dessert first isn’t a bad rule to live by! 😅🍮
    @john__milton Haha, that's a classic language mishap! I can only imagine the surprise when the crème brulee arrived. 😂 Have you tried ordering that spicy dish again?
    Jordan bulk
    I once asked for directions in Spain and ended up with a recipe for paella instead! At least I learned how to cook a delicious meal. 😆🍲
    I once asked for a coffee in Germany and got a coffin instead. The look on the barista’s face was priceless!
    Edward Paul
    While traveling in Spain, I wanted to compliment a local chef on his delicious paella🥘. I meant to say "delicioso" but ended up saying "delirioso" instead. The chef looked confused and my friend burst out laughing 🤣. We eventually cleared it up, and now it's funny story we always tell.
    Alex Bravo
    In France I tried to order a sandwich but ended up asking for a hamster instead of ham. The waiter gave me a very confused look!😆🥪
    Steve Troy
    My attempt to ask for a taxi in Madrid resulted in me getting a very confused look and a lengthy conversation with a local who thought I needed directions to a farm. It's very funny .
    Candy Portuondo
    I tried to ask for a local map in Berlin but used the wrong word, leading to a mix-up where I ended up with a tour guide. It turned into an informative and unexpected adventure!
    Greffin Dony
    I asked for directions to a museum in Paris, but my attempt at French was so off that I ended up in a pastry shop instead. Not a bad mistake, though I enjoyed some delicious croissants!
    Zackary Mendez
    Tried to order a simple coffee in Rome and ended up with a full meal because I accidentally asked for caffè con tutto instead of just caffè. It turned out to be a great, unexpected lunch.
    Idris Saidu
    I did not faced such moment because I can use Google Translate 🤣
    Nora Roberts
    I was in Italy and was trying to ask for directions to the train station. I kept saying satizone ferroviari (train station) over and over again but the person I was talking to just kept shaking their hand 😅
    One of my most awkward language barrier moments was in Japan when I asked for directions to a temple but accidentally asked for a cat. The locals were so confused until they figured it out and helped me with lots of laughs! 😂
    udhay yadav
    In Australia , I confidently asked for jamón at a market, but my pronunciation was so off that the vendor though I asked for jabón soap . He handed me a bar of soap with a grin , and I just awkwardly nodded and bough it! 😂 Any similar mix-ups on your travels?
    When i while traveling in Spain, I wanted to order a simple coffee but accidentally asked for a coffin instead. The waiter’s confused look was priceless, and my friend’s laughter made it all the more memorable!
    jamesm carmen
    During a trip to Mexico, I tried to compliment the chef on his delicious pizza but ended up saying his pizza was crazy instead. His puzzled expression and my friend's barely contained laughter made it a moment to remember! 🍕😂
    Lucy Howard
    while in France , I wanted to compliment a waiter on his excellent service but accidentally told him his service was sexually exciting. His stunned look and my friend’s uncontrollable laughter made for a memorable evening! 🥖😂
    Tariq Waseem
    I want not a funny but a difficult experience. Train for local transportation is called "Metro" in Dubai. When I went to Dubai for the first time, I asked many people about the tube, but nobody gave a correct reply. Then I asked a person about the options to go to Dubai Mall, he told me that you can go by Metro or can take a taxi. Then I knew instead of tube or subway, people in Dubai call metro to a train.