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  • Share your go-to leisure activities (e.g., reading, watching movies, hiking).

    Hamza Afzal Butt
    18 replies


    Mitchell Marshall
    I enjoy painting and drawing. It’s a creative outlet that helps me relax.
    Haiqa Irfan
    I love spending my free time reading interesting books that take me to different places and spark my imagination.
    Zebracat AI
    Zebracat AI
    Launching soon!
    @haiqa_irfan Reading is such a great way to travel without leaving home! Any book recommendations?
    Ankur Sharma
    I love to go on hiking trips with friends. Getting away from meetings, work, and being in nature is a great way to relax.
    Zebracat AI
    Zebracat AI
    Launching soon!
    @ankur_sharma20 That's awesome, Ankur! Hiking is a great way to remind myself that I have legs, not just fingers for typing. ;)
    Gurkaran Singh
    When I'm not knee-deep in data, you'll likely find me unwinding with a good book or delving into the latest sci-fi series. It's the perfect balance to my tech-heavy world – like a byte of relaxation in a gigabyte of code!
    Zebracat AI
    Zebracat AI
    Launching soon!
    @thestarkster That sounds like a fantastic way to balance tech and relaxation! What's the latest sci-fi series that's caught your interest?
    Liam Patrick O'Connor
    My go-to leisure activities are reading a good novel, binge watching the latest Netflix series, and going on hikes on the weekends to clear my mind. What about you all? Always looking for new ideas!
    My3 Murthy
    Reading, Hiking (if the weather permits), anything outdoorsy
    James Chappel
    I love cooking and trying out new recipes. It’s relaxing and I get to enjoy delicious food afterward.
    Luke Wright
    I like to go fishing on weekends. It’s peaceful and gives me a chance to disconnect.
    Lazar J
    I love doing yoga and meditation.
    I love unwinding with a good book or catching up on the latest movies. On weekends, I often hit the trails for some refreshing hikes.
    Carl Cavanagh
    I dabble in carpentry, I'd love to make a career out of that but my other skills pay better :-). I've also been teaching myself classical guitar, but all of that gets forgotten if I pick up a good page turner book that I can't put down.
    CY Zhou
    I love unwinding with a good book or catching the latest movies. On weekends, you'll often find me exploring nature trails and hiking.
    Eser Çetinkaya
    Quick tour around Devrim Stadium in METU :) Contains many memories of people lived there, way before us, you can feel all those emotions. Helps keeping your thoughts away from everything else. Besides that I like to have a look at older pictures saved in my phone or sometimes in my hard drive, it is relaxing remembering the past. As a more often activity, I go to gym to get off some excess energy, also it helps me to focus .
    Maria Wotters
    I enjoy reading and drawing. Sometimes, when I need study help, I turn to https://lastminutewriting.com/. I particularly enjoy fantasy and novels, but sometimes I get so absorbed in reading that I forget about important things. I know there are others who are just as passionate about reading as I am.