πŸ₯ Share LinkedIn to Support Each Other πŸ₯

Melih Γ–zkalay
52 replies
Hey Sooner Launcher and all community members, let's share your LinkedIn account so we can support each other during our launch journey. Here is mine: https://www.linkedin.com/in/meli...


Umar Saleem
Here is mine Feel free to connect : https://www.linkedin.com/in/rana...
Thank you for sharing @rajeshkan72, I have sent the connection Let's grow our ecosystem together! Please don't forget to upvote discussion to reach more community members 🀘
@rajeshkan72 I sent the request :)
Igor Lysenko
I sent the contact!
@ixord connected 🚨 :) thanks
Umar Saleem
@emre_bolcal Connection request sent
@emre_bolcal We re met from your "Fatherhood" mention :))) I sent the request now)
@reid_c we are connected on LinkedIn now. Thank you πŸ™
@reid_c sent too, nice to meet you :)
Nico Spijker
Have it on my profile, keeps the LinkedIn account visible to everyone :).
@nicolaas_spijker connection was sent, thank you for contribution πŸ₯πŸ€˜
@nicolaas_spijker πŸ‘Œ Also subscribed to your product :)
Mine : https://www.linkedin.com/in/frid... and sent out invitations to everyone here!
@frida_sp like your profile image :)) Sent the request!
@parilti_erkan See you're launching soon. Sent the request and good luck with your launch :)
Caroline Schmidt
This is mine: www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-sch... I would love to connect πŸ₯°
Sergei Rednev
@melina_wonn, you can also add a link to LinkedIn in your profile settings. It will be easier to connect!
Melina Wonn
@serednev Thank you for the good tip 😊
@matthew_durack Connected and also subscribed to the notifications of your product :)
@m_anees happy to connect, requested :)
@crystal_j Yeah πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ‘ŒπŸ» sent :)
Hello guys! I'm lanching in January and happy to connect :) https://www.linkedin.com/in/iilfat/ https://twitter.com/ilestilfat (btw Launching soon badge right above my name:)
Matej Cabadaj
@iilfat Notified! :-) All the best for the launch!