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  • Scheduled our first product launch! How do you remember your first submission?

    Karl Mechkin
    3 replies
    Just want to share this experience. The submission process was an interesting creative challenge, and after figuring it out and troubleshooting some problems, it just feels like a job well done and an overall productive day. Probably there will be some tweaks before the launch, but I'm also trying not to overthink it too much. Now it's time to prepare pre-launch and launch posts for social media :) And how do you remember your first submission?


    Brandon Lee Mitchell
    I remember my first submission on ProductHunt! It was both exciting and nerve-racking. My advice is to do plenty of prep work before launch day - build buzz, line up early supporters, craft compelling visuals and copy. And make sure your product is truly ready for prime time. Launching too early can backfire. Best of luck with your upcoming launch! Let us know how it goes.
    Nitesh Jamod
    I hope to post soon about my product hunt.
    Sergey Petruk
    I made it few minutes ago))) Nothing happens 🙂