Remote work or Onsite?

Robin Dhanwani
88 replies
The ever-growing discussion of the pros and cons of remote work and office work has such strong opinions that it’s tough to pick sides. Our hybrid approach at Parallel allows us to build a culture that fosters collaboration while giving the team the flexibility to work remotely. What’s your take on it?


Liam Oram
I think it 100% depends on the person and also your level of experience. for junior roles it's definitely beneficial to be in the office more as it allows you to learn from peers and over hearing conversations etc.
Robin Dhanwani
@liam_oram That's a very interesting point; to add on for junior roles even senior folks of a company will have to spend some time in office to make the juniors accustomed to the culture and also build a better transparent bond which might get lost if people are only connected virtually.
Mohammed Nihar
Remote work offers flexibility and boosts productivity by allowing people to work in their preferred environments, improving work-life balance and reducing commuting stress. It supports inclusivity and efficiency in a global context
Robin Dhanwani
@mohammed_nihar I agree with this and I also feel like working in office allows team bonding better, strengthens company culture and also creates a growth-focused work environment. So maybe hybrid would be a good option?
Mohammed Nihar
@robin_dhanwani2 I agree with you, but sometimes working without the hassle of traveling and a few variables makes me personally feel at peace.
Mia Fullin
I think hybrid is good idea, not all the work must do in the office
Robin Dhanwani
@lujackey Agreed 🙌
Yvik Ye
Launching soon!
Definitely remote work, especially working from home, cuz home home, sweet home!😁
Robin Dhanwani
@xspiral Haha that's one way to put it 😅
As a beginner/fresher, I find 'onsite' to be the super helpful in learning. You can then always go remote.
Robin Dhanwani
@vaibhavdwivedi It's nice to hear a fresher's perspective. Thanks for sharing 🙌
Pari Pushpakar
I guess onsite Enhanced team spirit and camaraderie through face-to-face interactions, what do you think ?
Robin Dhanwani
@pari_pushpakar Yes, working in office allows team bonding better, strengthens company culture and also creates a growth-focused work environment. At times, some people do prefer working in silos. So maybe a hybrid setting would be ideal?
Pari Pushpakar
@robin_dhanwani2 I guess hybrid setting could be ideal because It allows us to enjoy both rest and activities even ensuring you get relaxation while still making the most of your weekends.
Kostya Bolshukhin
Had an awesome experience in both remote and onsite jobs. The key for nailing it is organising work differently. Like recently talked with VP of HR, whose team has an awesome policy: covering travel expenses for teams so they can meet offline occasionally. Well-thought organisation of work makes or brakes both options
Robin Dhanwani
@kostyabolsh That's great to hear, as we too have implemented a similar policy for our hybrid setup. It has been a great success for us, still more to learn and to grow though 🙌
Business Marketing with Nika
Remote – I enjoy it more :)
Robin Dhanwani
@busmark_w_nika Enjoying the process is the primary objective, always 👏
Moaz Ahmad
Launching soon!
Heart say Remote Work, Mind says Onsite. At least for me........
Robin Dhanwani
@moaz_ahmad1 A well-planned hybrid setup could work then.
Salar Davari
I believe most business owners prefer to gather their team members all in one place, but employees kindda like remote working I guess.
Robin Dhanwani
@salar__davari In my experience, employees do like remote working and sometimes people are more comfortable working in silos. But, I also feel like working in office allows team bonding better, strengthens company culture and also creates a growth-focused work environment. So maybe hybrid would be a good option?
My3 Murthy
Usually a mix of both but I prefer onsite- helps me focus & get stuff done
Robin Dhanwani
@my3_murthy That's interesting. Does your role involve interacting with people in office?
My3 Murthy
@robin_dhanwani2 Depends on the day- At home I tend to get distracted more. For example: The washing machine dings, It takes me 2 minutes to get it done. Let me finish that up. Whereas when I am at work- I am AT WORK!
Zaheer Khan
Remote work gives more control over the environment.
Robin Dhanwani
@zaheer_khan6 Could you elaborate?
Robert Pim
Onsite work helps with team cohesion.
Robin Dhanwani
@robert_pim That's very true
Kehui Guo
My ideal situation will be 70% remote and 30% onsite.
Robin Dhanwani
@kehui_guo That's a really good mix for a hybrid setup.
Steve Weatherby
Remote work allows for flexible hours.
Robin Dhanwani
@steve_weatherby That's true. Another reason why remote work is preferred.
Brad Prey
If you want flexibility than remote work is best
Robin Dhanwani
@brad_prey That's true.
Sophia Gartner
Onsite work is great for immediate feedback
Robin Dhanwani
@sophia_gartner Agreed. Tasks with multiple dependencies do get delayed when working remote.
Tanya Sharath
Hybrid sounds like a great balance.
Robin Dhanwani
@tanya_sharath Yes, I do think most people prefer a hybrid setup these days
Aruna Neervannan
For certain jobs, it makes sense to work from office. In tech, most don't. Hybrid can be the best, but it depends on the terms.
Robin Dhanwani
@aruna_neervannan1 Yes I agree, each team has their own preference
Sharon Workman
Remote work supports a better work-life blend
Robin Dhanwani
@sharon_workman That's true, people do save a lot of commute time as well