Remote Work, Embrace it or Avoid It?

11 replies
What's your take on remote work? Should companies embrace it or avoid it?


André J
Depends. Idea stage -> Remote. Operation stage -> On prem
Not for everyone, nor for every moment, that's it ;)
Most of our employees work remotely.
Yenire leal
Embrace it fully, a great space for productivity and also to fully take ownership of our time.
Doğukan Tezcan
Totally embrace it.
Rick Armstrong
I'm on the embrace side of the fence. Many larger companies are starting to resist, but smaller/mid sized companies have adopted either hybrid or full remote.
Igor Lysenko
We have a war going on in our country, and the demand for remote work has grown. Moreover, I worked a lot for a foreign company. Therefore, I advise you to go to remote work.
Aida Zu
I love remote! it's great when you have a remote working crew you travel with
Maria Gonzalez
Remote work is here to stay for many, but it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. But yeah personally I embrace it !