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  • Remote or Office?

    Lindsay Davis
    198 replies
    Where do you feel more productive: working from home or at the office?


    Kate Ramakaieva
    FuseBase /formerly Nimbus/
    The third variant for the vote is needed - hybrid!
    Lindsay Davis
    @kate_ramakaieva you're absolutely right, I just forgot about that😄
    Meadow Simmons
    It's pretty classic for me - office!
    Diane Hall
    Haha, it's like choosing your fighter. Mine is remote
    Lindsay Davis
    @imdiane like your approach😄
    Beep! - New Era for Collaboration⚡️
    Remote (and nomadic :)). In a creative field, it helps to work in different environments with different stimuli and even different people to cross paths with. Being stuck working in either an office or just at home gets me thinking about Einstein's quote on "insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results".
    Lindsay Davis
    @rockyperezz That's a great perspective!
    Anna Starodub
    It really depends on the job. If it involves chatting and brainstorming, I prefer the office for that face-to-face interaction. But when I need to focus, working from home is the way to go. Honestly, after COVID, I kind of missed the office vibe. Productivity? Well, it varies. Remote work can boost productivity and happiness, but the office gives structure and social perks. It's all about what suits you and your job best! 😄🏢🏡💼👍
    Tadej Jevševar
    @anna_starodub1 What if you could have the best of both worlds (real-time engagement, similar to being in an office, with all the benefits of remote work, such as no daily commuting)?
    Tadej Jevševar
    @anna_starodub1 Exactly 😊 We have been working on this for some time now. If you are interested, I would love to show it to you.
    Lindsay Davis
    @anna_starodub1 Totally get what you mean!
    Anna Starodub
    @tadej_jevsevar sounds like a dream😊
    I will go for the Hybrid model. 😁
    Lindsay Davis
    @mehul_fanawala Great choice! The hybrid model provides the best of both worlds.
    Salim Lunat
    Webestica Webflow Templates
    Webestica Webflow Templates
    Office for deep work, remote for shallow tasks!
    Milica Begović
    Launching soon!
    @salimlunat Many would say it’s the opposite. You have an interesting approach Salim 😄
    Shivam Garg
    Remote for sure:)
    Lindsay Davis
    @meshivamgarg Absolutely! Remote rocks! 🌟
    George Burmistrov
    Sometimes gotta go for remote, but office is the main go-to for me. It works better for the differentiation between work and personal life.
    Lindsay Davis
    @burmistrov I get it, a work-life balance in important!
    Curtis Herdon
    Remote and nothing more!
    Lucky Croissant
    Some people thrive in a quiet home environment, while others prefer the structure and collaboration of an office. It often varies from person to person and the specific tasks they need to accomplish. Additionally, the ongoing global shift towards remote work has made it more common for people to have the flexibility to choose where they work, which can further impact productivity based on individual circumstances and work requirements.
    Lindsay Davis
    @lucky_croissant yes, it's all about finding what works best for you and your tasks.
    Maria Dimitrova
    I think both are needed. Hybrid is best in my opinion as there are times when you need to sit together, collaborate, brainstorm and discuss ideas in order to get the most out of your time but also to help you set clear expectations. It is a little like the world of AI vs Humans. Both are required for the best input and output i think.
    Lindsay Davis
    @mastery agree, hybrid is the way to balance the best of both worlds!
    John Alshaye Abelilla
    For me it depends upon the situation. Like sometimes we consider the travel time from our home to office. If the travel is a bit time costly, some might consider the remote setup work or hybrid. For me if I have a choice I'll go for a hybrid. We also need a physical interaction with our colleagues.
    Maria Anosova 🔥
    A few years ago I would have answered office, but now home is equated to office and productivity in it is no worse - the main thing is to create the right environment and mindset).
    Lindsay Davis
    @maria_anosova Times are changing, right? Home sweet office!
    Nico Spijker
    Hybrid or fully remote + coworking space!
    Artyom Sviridov
    Remote. I'd also go for hybrid.
    Lindsay Davis
    @sviridov Remote for the win, and a little hybrid spice to keep things exciting😉