Pre-launch post warning

Julia Yu
4 replies
Hey, makers By mistake, I chose 'Pre-launch' instead of 'Available' when preparing my launch. Today is my Launch day. āš ļø The product is only available on the homepage if I clear all filters (Featured filter should be off). When I realized this, I changed the status to 'Available' - the product disappeared everywhere (even with the Featured filter turned off). So, guys, I don't recommend using the Pre-launch option. Check your products thoroughly before launch and avoid this status - there's nothing useful in it. šŸ‘‰ When you try to publish a product update (a new launch) with the new status (Available) after your Pre-Launch, the system will ask you to send a list of changes to the moderators to make sure you can make a launch with the new status the next day. That is, there is no point in doing a Pre-Launch before the main launch


Julia Yu
On Twitter, people also report that making changes before launch is the reason the product doesn't show up in the general feed I think it would be nice to include help materials\tooltip or alert when a user selects the "Pre-launch" status. Also, it would be worth notifying makers when the last changes can be made before launch without affecting the display of the product in the feed.
Julia Yu
šŸ™…ā€ā™€ļø I don't recommend using the Pre-launch option if you want to get votes from all of the product hunt members
Rami -
Sorry to hear this. Launching on PH is difficult and should be planned ahead of time IMO. For my smaller apps I simply launch without expecting it to be featured since I simply want the exposure and strong do follow link. For my more serious apps I plan it and put in a decent amount of effort. Usually the app has been available for at least a couple of months in production.
Julia Yu
@kingromstar Sure, I agree with you totally but I hope the PH team will add some hints to the future Today's situation for me was resolved in the following way: I couldn't get a quick response from the support team. so I applied for a new launch with an explanation that the status of the last launch was incorrect. The team approved the new launch promptly. My product will be republished on Mon.