Ouch. 🥲 I got the best roast on my YouTube video. This is what excellent feedback should look like

I was invited to a private Discord group discussing YouTube some time ago. The day before yesterday, I published my latest interview with @roxcodes , who collaborated with MrBeast. This is the video, BTW: https://youtu.be/TXh3jpGdNsE After an hour, I saw that someone had written a long message. This was the first line of the feedback. – I was pleased. 😊 BUT… Then I saw this… and I was quite shocked. 😟🤣 It was the best roasting feedback I have ever received. Within 20 minutes, I got 93 responses from both Admins about what should be changed. For example: “Why do you use templates for thumbnails? The purple background isn't providing any value…” or “You A BIG PROBLEM is that this video is trying to deliver to Devs and YouTubers at the same time [...] Staying on one topic for 10 minutes and then going to the other [...] Repeat this again and again and again. [...] This is why I’m always telling @ userXY he needs to make his thumbnails/titles before the interview [...] So that you can focus on what the viewer expects/wants and not SHINY NEW OBJECT” It was a bit critical (the communication was too long) but had everything. And I think it should be like that because it points out my mistakes and provided solutions. That feedback had everything, and I think it should serve as some kind of template: 🔥 short snippets of news that capture the essence of the matter, 🔥 pointing out what is not good and why, 🔥 demonstrating with examples and providing social proof (that guy sent me over 10 videos – how-to tutorials + good examples: “Let's see: these 5 YouTubers did it this way, and those videos significantly outperform others – because of that…”), 🔥 giving several possible solutions for what to change and how (“swap this title from current to this one → He gave me several sample titles.), 🔥 providing helpful tools + resources + contact persons, 🔥 if possible, invite other participants to the debate because more people see more things, 🔥 not being afraid to be a bit harsh but still keeping the communication positive... being like 🔫🔫🔫 pew pew pew pew pew. I liked the vibe of that communication. Not after, but DURING that roast, I tried to improve the thumbnail of the last YouTube interview. I received a few tasks and was happy that someone had shown me a better way and how to achieve it. And what's the best feedback you've received so far? 🙂


Sharon Lee
I've been there too, Nika! Harsh feedback can sting, but it's the best way to learn.
Business Marketing with Nika
@sharonnleeee What have you learned thanks to solid feedback? :-) I am so happy to share this journey with all of you.
Daksh Tyagi
@busmark_w_nika Haha, that sounds like a roasting masterclass! 🔥 Nothing like a bit of tough love to get that creativity flowing. I've found that the best feedback is like a good coffee—strong and a bit bitter, but it wakes you up! I’m now rethinking my own thumbnails. Any tips on how you handled all those changes without pulling your hair out? 😂
Business Marketing with Nika
@founder_daksh I haven't handled it yet :D TBH, it is continual work. Even when I tried to fix that thumbnail, it is not good and task I was give was like: Try to do at least 10 thumbnails per day to practice it :D and I was like... Ehmm :D when? :D
Business Marketing with Nika
@founder_daksh Well, I am not so sure if I am able to put myself to create so many thumbnails :D I need to do other things :D
Piotr Obidowski
Wow, what a feedback 😯
Business Marketing with Nika
@pobidowski I also say to myself. Normally I'm surprised they gave me such a consultation for free :D
@busmark_w_nika may be he was trying to secure a job by giving free demo 😛😂
Kate Ramakaieva
Wow, great to get valuable feedback with advice for improvement - not just useless hate ot criticism!
Andreas Sohns
Loved your attitude towards feedback! Embracing constructive criticism is key. The tips about focusing on one audience and customizing thumbnails are gold. Best feedback I got? It was brutally honest about our onboarding process which led to a 30% boost in user retention.
JD Worcester
Nothing better than honest feedback!
Gurkaran Singh
Wow, sounds like you had a feedback roast worthy of a YouTube comment section! Learning and growing from constructive criticism is like debugging code - a bit painful but ultimately rewarding. Keep those roasts coming for that perfect thumbnail!
Peter Hansen
Top notch feedback, congrats!
The feedback looks very comprehensive and I think your thumbnails need to be improved. 😐
Business Marketing with Nika
@hamza_afzal_butt Me too. What do you think about the last one? what should I do about it?
Ramit Koul
Loved how you embraced the feedback and shared the learnings with the community.