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  • Never run out of content ideas with this hack

    👉 Create a folder in your Notes app specifically for content ideas. Add any and all ideas that come to mind throughout your day so you don’t forget them. 👉 Then create a spreadsheet OR use a project management tool like Asana, Trello, etc. to organize all of your ideas by content pillar (scroll back in my feed to learn more about content pillars if you’re unsure what they are) A few more tips ⤵️ 💥 Don’t worry about keeping your content ideas perfectly organized in your Notes app — that’s what a spreadsheet (or project management tool) is for! ⁠ 💥 If you’re struggling to come up with ideas, take a break. Oftentimes, the best ideas come to mind when you’re not trying to force it! 💥 If you get really stuck, you can use a tool like AnswerThePublic to find out what your target audience is searching for online. 💥 You can also look at discussions in Facebook groups, your top-performing posts, blog posts, your comments section, client/customer feedback (just to name a few). There are SO many places you can go to get the ideas flowing! Need more help? 👋 Leave me there your contact, I am working on something special that will help you with content. 👇 http://eepurl.com/iCqLX6


    Martin Baun
    I love the tips! As about PM me and my team are developing the best one out there! We're not live yet but we are accepting beta users. You can be the lucky one Nika! :D.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @martinbaun Which one product? :-)
    Martin Baun
    @busmark_w_nika Goleko.com is the official but not live yet. If you want to have access let’s talk on Twitter or Linkedin for more 😀
    Nigel Engel
    I usally use ChatGPT to help me when i brainstorm
    Xavier JJ
    I always get ideas when I am always about to sleep and when I'm bathing. Thanks for the tips 👍
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @dailyfitnessai Xavier, your process is almost the same as mine. Well, I also get ideas while having a short or long walk. :-D
    André J
    What about using AI like perplexity.ai? You can do something like: "Come up with 3 new ideas for blog posts, based on the current content from the blog https://eon.codes/"
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @sentry_co It is also the option. Honestly I haven't known anything about perplexity so far. I checked the tool. Is it project of yours?
    André J
    @busmark_w_nika Nope. Not mine. You can use ChatGPT 4 plus now for sort of the same thing. as it supports external url now. But perplexity is free and requires no registration etc. Really nice FTUX. So I keep using it even if I have chatgpt 4+
    Kathleen Smith
    these tips are very useful thanks
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @kathleen_smith2 Kathleen, that is very nice! If you want more ideas, have a look at the form attached at the bottom of the article. I create something special :-)
    C.A Tardecilla
    I love reading your tips. Thanks for your effort!
    Jawad Tijani
    Great tips Nika! 👍
    Do you have any hack for this situation: We have created whole content ideas one by one and organised well, after awhile, we need to change strategy, how flexibily we can make changes?
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @msinan_psyd I encourage you to test your ideas. When you observe that something performs better, try to squeeze the lemon and benefit from this case. It can have the best potential to succeed. For me, educational single-posts don't work well, but single posts with MEME are high-performing.