Mental health check-in. How are you doing?

Alec Nguyen
60 replies


William Clark
Just wanted to check in and see how you're doing on this journey of mental well-being, feel free to share any updates or thoughts.
Alec Nguyen
@clarkwilliam25 just went for a gym session today, sore but feels much better now. You?
Anisha Gupta
@clarkwilliam25 Trying to focus on self-reflection through Multiple Levels for better well-being! What about You ?
Jared Tan
Not too bad, striving every day to get my creation out but thanksful for opportunies every day
Amulya Prasad
Doing a lot better than last month. Giving myself time to exercise and reflect on my actions
Alec Nguyen
@amulya_prasad YAyyyy, glad to hear you are taking care of yourself
Have my ups and downs, just like any other entrepreneur but the drive to build something great is what keeps me going. 💪
Busy Schedule, a little hectic, working continuously and excited for the launch. I'm eager to see the updates and progress after launch.
Better when my PTO gets approved:).
Muhammad Ali
Checking in with ourselves and supporting one another is so important.
Sadam Ali
It's essential to break the stigma and create a supportive space. How is everyone doing today?
Peyt Spencer Dewar
All over the place mentally. Need to narrow focus!
Elizabeth Tishchenko
Excaused, but happy! Can't wait to see what would a new dy bring!
Alec Nguyen
@elijah_harris not bad at all. riding my launch momentum last week. We crossed 1000 users today. It took us 7 months of work to get here.
Kseniia Tsapenko
I feel a bit anxious due to changing my field of work and probably the company. I will be looking for new opportunities since the fall.
Not so bad, thanks! :)
Royce Wong
Launching soon!
Stoked with our launch... and with that also nervous with how it will be received.
Donald Evans
Too much pressure, I would say.
Igor Lysenko
Everything is getting better and better, because I work on my product, I endure everything much easier.
Olatz Urrutia
Trying to take my time to do some more exercise and yoga and some mindfulnes. Focus on my growth and don't get stuck. It's going slow but steady
Nick Anisimov
Vacation. The rest doesn't work for some reason.
Winnie Signer
Mental health is a growing issue in our world today. Understanding mental health is the first step to helping those who are struggling. Mental health isn't always a visible issue, and so it is important to recognize the signs and symptoms of mental illness and to reach out for help.
Dia Rowland
Ups and Downs! It helps to be doing what you were meant to do.