Landing page or working product? 🤔

Edoardo Bevilacqua
10 replies
Do you prefer an earlier landing page or a MVP?


Richard Gao
Earlier landing page. You can probably get the landing page out quicker. Although MVP offers more value to customers and allows you to test, the landing page does that to a certain degree as well. I think the feedback you get from your landing page can shape your MVP, so it's like an extra layer of testing.
Nico Spijker
MVP definitely! You want your prospective users/clients to be able to test out your most basic idea so you can start iterating and growing based on their feedback, opinions and pains.
Sanat Mohanty
What is the objective ? What stage of product development are you in? ✔️Landing page: If you want to validate idea & build waitlist ✔️MVP: If you want to do market testing, onboard beta users on limited availability basis.
Yassin Bouacherine
You can go for a landing page first to test your retention on the concept of your product first, then go for an MVP when you get some traffic on your landing page. I would prefer an MVP but if the landing page has all the visuals to present the product, It may be enough!
Krishna Kumar
MVP any day Landing pages are good for building waitlists. But think of those signing up. No scheduled release date. Often it drags on for months. An MVP on the other hand is instant gratification
Michael Lachar
Landing page on Day 1. Working product on Day 2.
Shushant Lakhyani
Landing page to attract more eyeballs early and evaluate an idea