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  • Landing page feedback needed πŸ‘€

    Sveta Bay
    28 replies
    Hello there! Just shipped a new home page and wanted to get some feedback on it. The main target of this page -> click on "Learn more". https://www.makerbox.club/


    Rungrot Oranon
    You should read the agreement before pressing access every time.
    Nikhil Rangpariya
    Call to Action (CTA) and any type of Pop-up will help you to generate business from it.
    Marko BalaΕΎic
    - You are missing the CTA button that sticks out. In section one, you are highlighting the word "actionable". Test conversion by adding a blue contrasted button in the navigation. - The second section is not readable on one screen. It has to be a simple statement + simple ask - right now I don't see the "Learn More" button on the desktop.
    Mutlu Sakar
    Loved the design. My only critics can be about: - The big image where you show your features (with black background) looks little bit complicated to digest, so many arrows and explanations frightened me to read :P - There are lots of user reviews, it is wonderful but for sceptical visitors, i would link them directly to the tweets or PH page so people can directly see that those reviews are not fake. - And i was expecting to see a clear CTA at hero section but maybe i am too conservative :D
    Arda Diker
    Hi Sveta. That is a great design πŸ‘ Let me share my two cents: - I would start by tagline immediately in the first page and put customer testimonials to the bottom of page. - A clear CTA is very important at the landing page. It is best to win and convert the potential customer right away. Most people don’t scroll too much :(. To get to CTA "learn more" I have to scroll two pages then click. - At the second page, there is another tagline. On a big screen I can see both taglines. But the truth is using one tagline is the better. Otherwise it might be confusing. It may be better not to paint red the β€œmade simple” part. - At the second page, there is this big photo with a lot of feature. But that is kind of complex. I can propose two approach for that a) Numbering each text block and directing users attention b) Disassembling this photo into its parts. Accordingly you may choose to arrange sets of photos and blocks of text flowing down together. This will look longer but easier to digest. Please check my site here https://www.flexytime.com/ (Not the best site, but it gives the idea) - At the end of customer testimonials, you can add one more CTA. I hope this helps. You can always reach me from https://twitter.com/EasierWithArda Best of luck with salesπŸš€πŸ˜‡
    Hi Sveta, i love the design of the landing page but i will agree with others. Having two tag lines could be confusing for your customers and CTA needs to be more clear and engaing
    Ryan T - Dezbor.com
    Love it, the landing page is clear, but it needs a strong CTA to guide users towards the next step
    Charles Forster
    The CTA button is really far down, and very small compared to the rest of the content. I would suggest this: Add a large CTA button in that top, white section, and then again in a lower section
    Magic Mike Paine
    Having the accolades is nice, but they are too generic and I think you need to define the problem/solution benefit better. The design seems a little busy, but the overall product offering you have is very interesting.
    Neil Roy
    Hi Sveta, I've been a SaaS marketer for the last 6yrs & most landing pages have a pattern, you start realising that pattern & tend to avoid it (similar to how we avoid display ads as noise nowadays), it's that battle between following the formula vs sticking out as something different. Looking at what you guys are building for SaaS marketers, which is a super crowded space, ton of resources, & the ICP (who think they already know a lot :P) - you need to be different, and the page does that really well. So I have a habit of skimming (like most do - skim for 1st 2-3 seconds, if the idea resonates, then deep dive further). Skim level, I'm super sold on the "idea of making me better", I now want to give my next 30-45 seconds, which is when I try to look for "how exactly you can make me better". "There is a better way" section then turns me off, all these images cluttered together (is exactly how I feel every moment, so how is it the solution), I feel more tensed....I'd not really click on learn more. Instead in this section if we could have a Gif that showed me step by step, or gamify it a bit, based on button clicks maybe - "Do this", then "Do this" - kind of like a product tour, where the product here is your IP. I had to go to the Nav Bar, I then looked at the frameworks page, super insightful, that's when I shared it with my team on Slack! Trying to be honest, and keeping it real. I think others have already covered many of the functional pieces! PS: Love the LP roasting section you guys have! :D
    Ryan Ong
    Hey Sveta - the landing page looks nice with lots of social proof. A clear CTA that connects with your goals would be good. Additionally, the section with all your features are too complex to digest (at least for me personally). It would be good if you highlight keywords or phrases that highlight user benefits of your product :)
    Heleana Grace
    Hi Sveta! I checked out the homepage and I really like the "Marketing for Solopreneurs Made Simple" part, it sounds really catchy. At the same time, the line below, the pictures, and the little notes next to them can feel overwhelming. It feels like too much text and the potential client might not even want to read all the awesome ways you can help founders. I suggest removing the line with "Grow your product to profitability. This year." or maybe looking for different pictures that aren't filled with as much text.
    Emily Matick
    Hey Sveta, marketer and former Unbounce alumni here. πŸ‘‹ I'd recommend adding a CTA button on the first section of that landing page so visitors can take action right away. From there, I'd recommend switching the text from your segue between sections from "There is a better way ↓" to "There's a better way", and maybe making this more engaging somehow, with either dynamic movement of the text bouncing or even some pointing down emojis. Also, simplified language (We found the most successful landing pages are written at a grade 6 reading level!) Last thing, is there a more gripping CTA you could use besides "Learn more?" I'd consider what the action you'd like the user to take and write to that. Hope that helps.
    Amie Finlayson
    Learn more button needs to be above the fold, it's way too far down. Also feels like too many steps to get to conversion - Why not have the option to buy instead of a 'Learn more' button on the homepage?
    Renny Chan
    For me the "learn more" CTA is below the fold, you should really try and get your CTA above the fold.
    Anson Leung
    The text on mobile under the 'marketing for solopreneurs made simple' and 'unlock the power of marketing is a bit small and i can't see any focus at all. Another suggestion, I think the testimonial part is a bit too long that i need to scroll more then twice to get to the next session, I will suggest you hide some of them, if anyone wanna read more testimonials, they can click a 'read more' toggle?
    So nice design, and effective colors, it really occupies attention, I like how it's set up - pulling you to discover more, bravo πŸ‘βœ¨