Is LinkedIn transforming to Facebook?

A few weeks ago I read a post on LinkedIn from one guy that LinkedIn is becoming more like Facebook. People share more personal stories and photos to get attention(?) – words from that post. What is your point of view? Do you feel the same? If YES, why?


Paula Schiffelbein
I don't feel that yet... but I sometimes it's feels a bit unrealistic, we only share "success stories". For me it was good as a corporate tool, connecting with headhunter and companies however as an entrepreneur it doesn't add much value. The new feature about commenting in articles I simply don't like it. However I prefer linkedin to other social media it feels like an upgrade in my contact agenda, that's all.
Business Marketing with Nika
@paula_schiffelbein I am also the same, but I like other social media too. It depends on the purposes you use them tho.
Nitin Joshi
Very true. I don't use Facebook because not it become a toxic place and people like who continue to evolve and learn not a great place. I am using linkedIn from quite a time but now its looks like it will become Facebook.
Business Marketing with Nika
@nitin_joshi At what point would you be vulnerable to quit LinkedIn? :D
Nitin Joshi
@busmark_w_nika 😁 okay! how many followers do you have in LinkedIn?
Nitin Joshi
@busmark_w_nika Okay good. I saw your recent interview with a developer on YT. I guess it was your first such event right?
Julia Engelsmann
I was thinking exactly the same thing the other day!
Business Marketing with Nika
@julia_engelsmann How do you perceive LinkedIn now? What would you like to have there less/more?
Albina muro
Impressive web site, Distinguished feedback that I can tackle. Im moving forward and may apply to my current job as a pet sitter, which is very enjoyable, but I need to additional expand. Regards. study banner for youtube
You are right, I saw a lot of people now sharing catchy videos to get attention (and Linkedin promotes that content because it considers it engagement even if the content is very bad). Also, some people take LinkedIn as Tinder as well...
@alessio_mavica LinkedIn as Tinder? Some people, seriously... Maybe I should make a "swipe right" Chrome plugin for LI :)
Business Marketing with Nika
@alessio_mavica @jgani Jonni – that is not a bad idea at all! 😀 I think it could be a quite good feature.
Sebastian Karges
Agreed, people stat using it more and more for personal stories rather than business stories.
Hossein Yazdi
@sebastian_karges I didn't like LinkedIn since its early days, specifically with its ugly UI. I also don't think it could ever compete with Twitter/X, though I use it for the sake of completeness in my social presence. Btw, I see you're launching soon. Hit the Notify Me button already. When are you launching? Let's support each other. 🤛
Business Marketing with Nika
@sebastian_karges Do you like the way people are presenting now on LI? Because TBH I like it more if it is not so "perfect" business-oriented. I like things authentic.
Peter Hansen
It's going this way, which is pretty annoying, but for the time being, there is no real alternative.
Business Marketing with Nika
@trumpeter What other social media? X, Threads, BlueSky, Mastodon etc?
Peter Hansen
@busmark_w_nika What I meant was that, for the time being, there is no real alternative to LinkedIn, despite LinkedIn becoming annoying because more and more people are posting personal stuff rather than professional stuff. There are other professional-oriented social media, for example, Xing, but the coverage is just not the same.
Reid C
LinkedIn is so bad, I call it boomer facebook... but then again facebook is only boomers now too
Anjali N
Yes, I do, but again it is debatable some people like sharing their personal stories + some people only want professional connections. But for me, LinkedIn is becoming too crowded right now. Too much information at a single place
Business Marketing with Nika
@anjaliinambiar I like it when people share personal things. It is also a part of their story and authenticity. But I do not like to read long formats. I would prefer to split it into pieces.
Alexandra Toby
And Facebook transforming into something horrible?
Business Marketing with Nika
@alexandra_toby I do not know. Honestly, I am spending there a little bit of time. Desktop version for messaging to my friends from school, or lurking in MEME groups or getting information about some events. This is the only purpose I use this platform.
Marvin Mändle
I don't use facebook anymore very active, but it feels like LinkedIn is more and more turning into a influencer platform. I often read the same topics and headlines more and more. People should just share their thoughts and start nice, respectful discussions. But i try to see the good things. There are also some really interesting posts and you can make meaningful connections or collaborations :)
Business Marketing with Nika
@marvin_maendle True true. I connected on LI with many interesting people. Still worth being there. :-)
Bob WIlsey
Yes, I feel so. too much of cringe content and useless messages
As someone who likes to separate work and personal a bit, I'm always fascinated to see the posts that are going viral!
Gurkaran Singh
LinkedIn transforming into Facebook? As someone who loves to dive into all things tech, including social media platforms, I can see where the comparison is coming from. With people sharing more personal stories and photos on LinkedIn, it does seem like the line between professional networking and socializing is getting blurrier. However, I believe it's also a positive sign of how our online presence is evolving. Embracing a more authentic and holistic approach to showcasing ourselves professionally can humanize the platform. So, while LinkedIn may be taking a page from Facebook's book, I think it's all in the name of fostering deeper connections and showcasing the multifaceted individuals behind the resumes. So, let's embrace this evolution and enjoy the ride! 🔗 #TechEnthusiast #DataScienceNerd