Is life just too complicated in the 21st century?

Ted Schaefer
4 replies
Exploitation is deeply ingrained in First World capitalism, and it's nearly impossible to opt out. I'm trying to help solve that problem with Dumb Tech: What do you think? The product is still in the planning phase so now is a great time to help shape the MVP.


Millie Miller
The constant pursuit of perfection and endless choices can make life feel overwhelming.
Chusana Prasertkul
I love the idea, Ted! We think very similar so I was just nodding away at what you wrote. Your page reminds me of this quote, "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." I wholeheartedly agree that it's hard to be/remain good - because the system isn't designed that way. What's good for the whole (the collective) doesn't always translate to what's good for the individual. But I like your movement. My product was born from a similar passion. I got fed up with retail investors getting the crappy end of the stick - because we were told to trust the experts and listen to the analysts. I realised that the one technique you really need to master in the stock market is - how to valuate a company. So I partnered up with my husband and designed a web book and a web app to do just that. 21st century is definitely more complicated. What we see is not what we get. A movement to support individual empowerment always gets my support 😊 (I've signed up to your mailing list)
Ted Schaefer
Thanks for the feedback! Agreed, retail investors have a tough time - I mostly stick to index funds because experience has shown me that I don't know enough to beat the market 😅 Looks like TeamXEarth would be a great starting point for investing with confidence and treating the stock market less like a casino! I'm definitely adding it to my wish list - hopefully I can read your book when I find some downtime over the holidays 😄 Congrats on the launch!
Rafay Nadeem
In the age of information overload, simplicity seems like a distant dream.