When was the last time you felt really excited to learn something?

Ted Schaefer
13 replies
shamelessly harvesting inspiration and ideas here 😄 our learning platform is coming soon, please follow StudyWise! https://www.producthunt.com/products/studywise


Jeff Dwoskin
Stampede Social
Stampede Social
just followed study wise to be notified! woot! last time - I was on a call and someone showed me a trick so it always looks like I'm looking at the camera and the person I'm interviewing or that is interviewing me. (I know the small things)
Ted Schaefer
@bigmacher aw yeah, thanks Jeff! i'm also following Stampede 🙌 the video call thing sounds great - what's the trick?
Jeff Dwoskin
Stampede Social
Stampede Social
@sixbangs make the video window read small and move it just under the camera. Sounds silly but it works. I always looked like it was looking to the left lol
Ted Schaefer
@bigmacher ooh that's actually really clever! yeah i tend to watch myself when i'm on video, can't help it. is it anxiety or narcissism? maybe both? 😂
Ignas Vaitukaitis
Excited to try StudyWise! Non-tech and AI-related excitement for me is getting to know something about history (WWI and WWII, Rome), true crime, and those unsolved mystery types of stuff. These might be weird, but, man, do they catch my attention, even when I am tired.
Ted Schaefer
@zer0tokens StudyWise is available now 😉 there is a waitlist but i'm approving all new sign-ups at the moment. i've been reading a book on WW2 when I can't sleep, super interesting stuff. great list!
Ignas Vaitukaitis
@sixbangs is there a link to StudyWise somewhere? I could not find it on your profile or social media. I would be happy to try it out
Ted Schaefer
@zer0tokens ah yeah, not yet - i forget that the product hub is available but that doesn't show a link until we launch 😄 here it is: https://www.studywise.ai/