Is it better to be a solopreneur or co-founder?

What group do you belong to? What advantages and disadvantages does it have?


Paula Schiffelbein
I am a co-founder and greatly enjoy how we complement and support each other. This journey we have chosen is better when shared. What do you say @andres_cufari ?
Business Marketing with Nika
@andres_cufari @paula_schiffelbein How long have you been running the business together with others?
Paula Schiffelbein
@busmark_w_nika Hi Nika! 2 years! and we know each other almost 4 years.
I have been a co-founder and now a solo founder. With other co-founders, you can do a lot more work. But you can also have more conversations leading to spending more time. As a solo-founder you act quicker, but you don't have a second opinion. PS: solo founder is different from a solopreneur
Business Marketing with Nika
@alessio_mavica You are right, thanks for correcting me. I switched the words by mistake. ๐Ÿ˜… But yeah, having more people involved in the project โ€“ things can go pretty smoothly when you are not alone for the work.
I've had co-founders in the past. While it was really amazing to have them, ultimately we had to separate due to their family pressure. Building a startup is extremely taxing.
Business Marketing with Nika
@jgani How did you team up? Were you friends previously or random guys?
Nitin Joshi
I am tried to become a solopreneur. Struggling but I will become one day.
Shreya Gupta
Choosing between going solo or co-founding depends on personal preferences for control versus collaboration. If you prefer autonomy and handling challenges alone, solo entrepreneurship fits best. If you value shared decision-making and diverse inputs and trust people to do better than you at some tasks, co-founding is the logical choice. ๐Ÿค—
Business Marketing with Nika
@shreya_gupta02 I noticed that people who are co-founders are more likely to be funded (it is like risk distribution). ๐Ÿ˜€
Ghulam Abbas
Elle Gzirishvili
there are different advantages and disadvantages to being both. being a solo founder means being in full control over everything and there is no need to be in an agreement with someone, thus work flows more quickly since you donโ€™t have to elaborate every step with someone, thatโ€™s exactly why itโ€™s more easy to make a mistake because there is no opposition to the new ideas. being a co-founder on the other hand means that the responsibilities are split and each founder can focus on their field of expertise. also when it comes to motivation co-founders can balance each other and work through every problem together. I think being a co-founder is like being married. choosing a right person to start a business with is very important because if the relationship fails the business also fails. In my opinion, being a co-founder has more advantages. of course it varies depending on the person, but overall speaking I find it better. I also noticed that investors prefer investing into businesses with 2-3 founders rather than 1.
Business Marketing with Nika
@elle_g Wow, detailed examples are given, I predominantly like that parallel about marriage. I should definitely team up with somebody but at first, I need to find someone I can fully trust and to be at (almost) the same wave. Not completely the same because in business you need a kind of disruptors as well. ๐Ÿ˜…
Business Marketing with Nika
@elle_g I have always wanted somebody in my life who is like me but more weird, actionable and brave. ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜€
Elle Gzirishvili
@busmark_w_nika well yes you need to find someone compatible not the exact copy of yourself๐Ÿ˜„
Elle Gzirishvili
@busmark_w_nika Iโ€™m sure youโ€™ll find somebody like that๐Ÿ˜
If you're not creating a major project, being solopreneur is nice. But big projects always require a team, and as a founder, your task is to build the right team. You don't need to know everything, just find the right people and have some knowledge in every aspect. I prefer to be a co-founder. I always embark on the journey with the right people.
Business Marketing with Nika
@kke Good point. The team can make big things happen.
Ray Traylor
All a business needs is a product and a customer. If you can do both yourself, no need to split the pie. A co-founder should bring something to the table that you aren't. Duplicating efforts early is inefficient. It's like a marriage so choose your partner carefully.
Mahir Muzahid
I had been working with my friend as a co-founder for 1.5 years now working as a solo founder. I must it's tough when there is not second opinion. Different perspective matters in a startup. So, I have to talk with lots of people and customer about my product to gain their perspective
Business Marketing with Nika
@mahir_muzahid who gives you those opinions about your business when you are now a solo?
Mahir Muzahid
@busmark_w_nika honestly, mostly my family members, friends! I try to reach them with my product and I try to convince them first. Because they are the easiest to convince. If I cannot convince them how can convince a stranger!
Business Marketing with Nika
@mahir_muzahid But is it a good thing? I mean, yeah, the family should be the firs in line that should support you but are they real customers who try to solve the problem with your product? You know what I mean.
Mahir Muzahid
@busmark_w_nika you are right! I just do go to my grandma and talk about AI!! Hahaha! Of course I go who can give me feedback! Like taking some early info before going to the actual customer
Business Marketing with Nika
@mahir_muzahid IMO this is actually a good thing that you conversate with your grandma about these topics. It is a kind of education. Keep going! :-)
Itโ€™s interesting to know !
Business Marketing with Nika
@ipaparazzo_app BTW, I think that there should be another PH community call that Slim organizes. Have you seen that?
Deqian Jia
I love the YC advice: the ideal team size for a founding team is the minimum number of people you need to make meaningful progress towards your milestones. Nowadays I use this rule to determine the best setup.