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  • Increase User Engagement with Email Recaps of Your Latest Features

    Youcef El Kamel
    1 reply
    As indie makers, we all know how hard it can be to get users to notice and engage with our latest features. That's why I wanted to share a strategy that's been working wonders for my app: email recaps. By sending regular email recaps to my users highlighting the latest updates and improvements to my app, I've been able to increase engagement and keep my users coming back for more. And the best part? It's super easy to set up with tools like Zapier or Mailchimp. Of course, there's always some unpredictability when it comes to software development. You never know exactly how users will react to a new feature or what unexpected issues might arise. But that's the beauty of being an indie maker – we can pivot quickly and learn from our mistakes. So, if you're struggling to get users to engage with your latest features, give email recaps a try. It's a low-cost and effective way to keep your users in the loop and increase engagement over time. And who knows? You might just discover your next big feature in the process. Have you tried email recaps for your app? What has your experience been like? Let's discuss in the comments!


    Awesome! When I read this, I thought it would be a killer feature for Market place founders or Community builders! How about dropping your link?