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  • ๐Ÿš€ How do you know if your product is ready to launch?

    Youcef El Kamel
    6 replies
    I have a product with four key features and I've already received some user feedback. But I'm still not sure if it's ready to launch. What metrics or indicators do you look for to determine if a product is ready for prime time? Would love to hear your thoughts and experiences!


    Hey El, Launching a product can be a daunting task, but waiting until everything is perfect may never happen. To know if your product is ready, it's essential to start with a prototype and then move on to alpha and beta testing phases. This will allow you to gather valuable data points and make necessary adjustments. Keep in mind that launching a product is not the end of the journey, but rather the beginning. By launching your product and analyzing the data, you can make informed decisions and improve your product over time. Remember, customer feedback is crucial, and launching early will enable you to gather feedback and make necessary improvements to create a product that truly meets the needs of your target audience. Launch now!!! Hope this helps.
    Youcef El Kamel
    @djteknokid Thanks that a motivationning answer ! I think I will lunch, I know the product will be better and can be better but It's will never finish if I wait until it's perfect. ๐Ÿ˜†
    Vishal Patel
    Launching a product can be a nerve-wracking experience, but there are a few metrics and indicators you can look for to determine if it's ready for prime time. One important factor is user feedback, which you've already started to collect. If the feedback is overwhelmingly positive and users are finding value in your product, that's a good sign that it's ready to launch. Another factor to consider is the product's stability and performance. You want to make sure that it's free of bugs and can handle the expected load. Finally, it's important to have a clear understanding of your target market and how your product fits into their needs and wants. If you feel confident that you've identified a real need and have a solid understanding of your users, then that's another indication that your product is ready to launch. Of course, every product is different, and the decision to launch ultimately depends on your own judgment and business goals. Good luck!
    Youcef El Kamel
    @vishal_patel15 Thanks for your answer, I'm completly not a marketing guys to try to know if I have a product market fit... But I know that the app can help a lot of people as it's help me. My wife is working as QA to check if there is bug or not so it's seem okay. My business goal, just having some daily user and some financial support to continue to work on it. ๐Ÿ˜… I think I will lunch it soon.
    Mikko Seppรค
    While I believe there is no one metric or indicator to look for, there certainly is a few ways to think about launching. In my opinion, most people view "launching" as a way too broad concept and don't do any distinction between the different stages you are in. I suggest you launch it many times. e.g As soon as you have a somewhat working app solving one job/problem, launch it. This launch probably won't mean that you do paid promotion or anything like that, but rather reach out to people who you've identified before and know that encounter the problem your app is solving. You basically launch to get feedback. Based on that feedback you then create the second launchable version, which hopefully solves the problem already quite well, is not the most terrible to use etc. For this, if you feel confident enough you can make it available online (self-serve sign up). Attract people from relevant channels to sign-up and try to gather as many learnings as possible (based on quantitative + qualitative data). You can launch it here at Product hunt. There's plenty of stuff already written about it so not going there. Once you know that you've eliminated the biggest obstacles from self-service signup and on-boarding flow, then it might be a good idea to start driving traffic to your website with paid efforts. So in a nutshell, I'd say you should launch multiple times with different approaches and goals in mind. Based on my own experiences, better to launch more times and earlier. This way you eliminate riskier assumptions and are able to do better informed decisions around product & distribution channels. Hope this helps! All the best with your upcoming launch!
    Youcef El Kamel
    @mikko_seppa that make sense thank you, I saw that you should have a community before to get upvoted but I think that can be the case for other launch actually ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ