If you had to choose just one marketing method to communicate your product online, what would it be?

Well, I have not decided yet because the combination is the best option, but for me, it would be: 1. E-mail If not email, so then 2. Video What about you?


Sergey Koshevoy
Content marketing. Here’s why: -Unlike paid ads, which stop working the moment you stop spending, content marketing builds a foundation of trust and authority. A well-written blog post, video, or guide can continue to drive traffic and generate leads for years. -Content marketing is incredibly flexible. You can tailor it to your audience with blog posts, how-to videos, infographics, webinars, or podcasts. Plus, the same content can be repurposed across multiple platforms for maximum reach. -Good content boosts the effectiveness of other marketing efforts like SEO, social media, and even email campaigns. It’s the backbone that ties everything together.
Business Marketing with Nika
minimalist phone: creating folders
minimalist phone: creating folders
@koshevoysergey so you need to do a lot of SEO – I also considered SEO but you need to be very good at it if you want to be listed on top positions and people now use chatGPT what is also the main source of info. Really need to know how the SEO game can be played on profi level.
Great picks! If I had to choose just one, I'd go with: 1. Video. It grabs attention fast, communicates clearly, and builds trust like no other format. But like you, I’d never overlook the power of a great email campaign. 😉
Business Marketing with Nika
minimalist phone: creating folders
minimalist phone: creating folders
Speaking about email, today, I will be sharing newsletter about Bluesky, so if you wanna get one issue into your mailbox, sign up: https://businessandmarketing.sub...
I am an independent developer. For me, I may choose a vertical community or a vertical domain under the social media platform, that is, I will market wherever the people my product faces.
Anahit Amirakyan
I would choose community building on socials.
Hannah Grace Sullivan
Paid social media ads for sure. Here's why: 1) Targeting is super precise - you can reach your exact ideal customer. 2) Fast results - start getting clicks & conversions right away. 3) Easy to test & optimize for better ROI. 4) Boosts brand awareness fast. 5) Pairs well with organic social & content marketing for a powerful combo. What platforms have worked best for others?
If I had to pick just ONE marketing channel - I'd actually go with video content, especially on platforms like YouTube and social media. Video just grabs attention in a way that text can't. Plus, you can show your product in action, share customer stories, and let your brand personality shine through. The cool thing about video is it's super versatile - you can repurpose it everywhere. Chop up that YouTube video into shorts, share clips on social, pull out audio for a podcast, or grab screenshots for other content. It's like getting multiple marketing tools for the price of one!
i will choose content marketing. Through blog posts, videos, social media content, and informative articles, content marketing helps engage the audience, build trust, and drive organic traffic.