If you don't risk anything, you risk even more. Thoughts?

Xavier JJ
14 replies


Ture. Like job hopping. If u don’t want to take risk for job changing, your wage may never raise and u may never have your own career.
Xavier JJ
@sylvia_sheng Well said! Being stuck at one spot while others raise ahead just because they took the chance.
Macklin Buckler
I believe taking risks is key. If you don't take bold action, you'll survive (at best). In today's market, however, it's more likely that you'll be left behind. I always ask myself, "what's the worst thing that could happen?"
Xavier JJ
@mackbuck Glad to see someone with the same mindset! Since everything in life and in the market is moving so fast. Inaction actually risks more
@mackbuck Thank you for this perspective.
Shajedul Karim
taking no risks often means stagnation. while safety feels good, growth often requires stepping into uncertainty. it's a balance, but comfort zones rarely lead to big breakthroughs. gotta weigh potential gains against potential pains.
Xavier JJ
@shajedulkarim_ Growth is uncomfortable but the obstacle is the way :)
I look at it in a different manner. To me, the risky thing in life is to make mistake(s). And the more mistakes I make, the more I learn. The knowledge that I gain drives me to make more mistakes - like an infinity loop. So, if someone doesn't take risks, then the person is gonna be frozen in time.
Xavier JJ
@outlivo That's a good way to view it. Theres only win or learn :)
André J
Launching soon!
Go big or go home 💪
Mahsum Akbaş
Birth is painful! If you don't take risk of birth, you will not have anything.
Mark Amouzgar
Powerful words! Taking risks is indeed essential for growth and success. 🚀
Igor Lysenko
A risk is a step that has some success rate in business.