I'm Zhiyuan, a member of the Apache Software Foundation. Ask me anything 🔥

Zhiyuan Ju
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I'm Zhiyuan Ju, 25 years old and elected as Apache Software Foundation (www.apache.org) Member this year. Since 2019, I started involved in the Apache APISIX community with the team. Apache APSIX[1] is an open-source API gateway solution. When we visit ProductHunt, Twitter, book tickets online, and watch YouTube, there has a lot of API traffic handled by API Gateway. Contributors are the king of our community; we have 500+ worldwide contributors who keep using/improving Apache APISIX and 1,000+ organic Slack members talking about usage actively. Feedback from users is valuable to the product. We collect feedback, discuss requirements, and plan roadmaps. For example, we have released Apache APISIX every month in the past three years and received the unique tag "Open Source but Feature Rich API Gateway." Apache APISIX users include Airwallex, AmberGroup, Tencent, XPENG, Lotus Cars, Sina Weibo, Bilibili, Travelsky, WPS, etc. Check https://github.com/apache/apisix for more information :) Feel free to ask me about Community Building, Open Source, Project Management, or my personal-related questions. ❤️ [1] https://apisix.apache.org/blog/
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