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  • How to promote product in different countries/regions?

    30 replies
    Each country/region has its own user habits, culture/policies, and market.


    Daisy Do
    What make you decide to choose which country to grow?
    @daisy_do Actually, initially I wasn't thinking about choosing a specific country/region but rather considering who our target customers are for our product. So, I figured out the answer: websites! πŸ˜‚ Next, I'm going to try reaching out to websites in different regions, offering them free usage (of course, I'll check their traffic) to potentially gain one or two flagship clients in a specific region before expanding further. Meanwhile, I'll also engage in some content marketing (not email marketing, as that can be intrusive), attracting customers through targeted keywords. This is my first product, and there's still a lot to learn and experience to gain, such as different countries' cultures, laws, user habits, etc. That's why I'm posing questions here, and I'm grateful for everyone's generous responses. 😊
    Daisy Do
    @chatofai sounds like a lot of work!
    @daisy_do A lot of words too πŸ˜…
    Daria Sokolovskaya
    Firstly, I don't think that every business has to be global. I think it's always better to become the best but on the local market and then grow. As for promotion, every country varies dramatically, and I don't think there is a general answer. But for sure, you cannot invest all the assets in one place, but firstly investigate each particular market.
    Winston Zin
    Make sure your product is in the local language. =)
    @winstonzin Indeed, this should be the most basic requirement to enter a specific market. πŸ˜„
    Dzmitry Tsemirau
    You noted it correctly. Therefore, you must first determine which market you are going to and research it in detail. There are many examples when products that were successful in some countries failed in others because they did not pay attention to cultural features.
    Shajedul Karim
    promoting your product in different countries means really getting the local vibe. it's about understanding what each place digs and tweaking your stuff to fit in. use the social media and platforms folks there like. teaming up with local businesses or influencers can give you a boost. and don't forget to play by the local rules and laws. test out different ways to see what clicks with people. it's all about adapting and keeping it real with each place. anyone else got tips or stories about going global with your product?
    Giles Crouch
    @shajedulkarim_ Indeed. This is where netnographic research can play a powerful role.
    @shajedulkarim_ Thank you for your response. I deeply value and consider each of your viewpoints.
    Josee Frank
    Join communities for the niche in those countries or region
    Kostya Bolshukhin
    Believe having some talents from local market to add up context and cultural background to your team will work. * learned, working with teams in India, Central, South, North America and EMEA.
    @kostyabolsh You're right, they will have a better understanding of the local area.
    Cameron Scully
    For what product is this? You can find local facebook groups, slack groups and forums and network with members there. You could also partner up with local influencers.. Find out what channels your ideal buyer persona hangs out and make a name for yourself there
    @cameronscully_ Great suggestion! πŸ‘ Our product is an AI chatbot for customer service. I also thought about joining Facebook Groups or Twitter Communities to engage with more people. Additionally, establishing local flagship clients can be very persuasive!
    Giles Crouch
    What a great question! Having launched several tech products in global markets, the biggest element to understand is culture. A brand name may work well in one culture (market) but not another. It's also important to understand how a culture views a given technology. More "me" cultures look at personal benefits first (like the USA), whereas more "we" cultures will look at societal benefits first (Asian and Nordic) and personal comes last. Cultures view technologies very differently.
    Matteo Zumpano
    Netjet.io, Free AI Website Builder
    Netjet.io, Free AI Website Builder
    You can also translate your website.
    @matteo_zumpano Thank you for your reply. Localizing the website language is indeed a fundamental requirement.
    Timothy Carter
    Hit up the socials that everyone's into in each spot. Tweak your content to vibe with what's hot locally and get chatting with the crew.
    Julia Doronina
    First, carry out customer development with individuals from these regions to gain an understanding of their needs and preferences.
    @julia_demyanchuk I think reaching out and making connections will be a challenging hurdle to overcome.
    Julia Doronina
    @chatofai You can start by reading the target audience's chats in different countries and determining if they have a problem. Then proceed with conducting surveys and cold mailing.
    Barry Zheng
    Promoting a product in different countries requires a nuanced approach. Tailoring your message to each culture is key. For example, humor that works in one country might not translate well in another. Have you considered local influencers or partnerships to help bridge cultural gaps?
    Promoting a product across different countries/regions involves understanding local cultures and preferences. I have found success through market research, localization, and tailoring strategies for each region.
    Matt Durack
    We’re based out in Dubai and Main market coverage is MENA. Something we have found is most localisation tools are not massively Arabic friendly. With ChatofAI specifically would look at some LLMs that you can plug into that support Arabic natively as GPT-4 etc generally gets the message across but grammatically it’s not quite there - from a marketing standpoint too make sure you have native speakers in each market that proof all marketing materials rather than just relying on translation tools 😊. (Always remind myself of those unfortunate foreign packaging memes that go about)
    @matthew_durack Agreed with your point! Just like when we read those marketing articles, we can immediately tell if it's AI-generated πŸ˜„