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  • 🏆 How to create a post with a high chance of success? [in 2 steps]

    1. Search for the questions people ask (their problem). 2. Come up with a summary of the best possible solutions. Always works. 🙂 ---------- But we can break it down into a few steps. I encourage you: – Think of where your target audience is and search for the questions they ask frequently or the most. – Visit e.g. Google Trends, Quora, Reddit, PH discussions or social media (have eyes open). – For the best possible answers try to use personal experiences first (they are usually in comments) + use ChatGPT to come up with something else on the TOP + use critical thinking as well. – Gather all the data – skim it a bit. – Offer it as a possible solution. – Post about it.


    Flow State Training
    Flow State Training
    Launching soon!
    This post is also a good example of this concept itself :)
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @vaibhavdwivedi Demonstration in its pureness :D
    EyĂĽphan Aslan
    This is my plan, but the point is we are building a new AI-driven social media and I'm also thinking how to market a new social media without using other social media channels. What a dilemma I have :D Let me share the steps that I'm trying to proceed them correctly and successfully - hopefully. - Identify common problems the target audience faces by researching platforms like Google Trends, Quora, Reddit, or social media. (hopefully, ours will be also here) - Compile the best solutions, prioritizing personal experiences and enhancing them with AI tools like ChatGPT. - Organize your findings, refine the content, and present it as a concise, actionable solution. (Nevertheless, I trust a specified community will have a bigger effect than just a post on social media. But it depends on the target you/I want to achieve.) - Post and engage with your audience. I trust feedback for retuning but not all of them. Some feedbacks really help you to understand the audience's expectations.) To be honest, this is my way but still learning. I hope it'll inspire readers. And, I'm open to collecting answers to learn.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    The thing is – why social media are called social when the engagement is AI-based? @eyuphanaslan
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @eyuphanaslan I understand your point but it will be very hard to handle it in some aspects. E.g. one of the things I noticed: is AI creates abnormally long answers (that fewer and fewer people want to read) – I use AI as well, but for a little bit different purposes (correction grammar, ideas). Trying to use it for convos as little as possible because human touch is quite distorted then.
    EyĂĽphan Aslan
    @busmark_w_nika At first, thanks a lot for your question. The essence of social media is about fostering connections and enhancing interactions between users, and AI plays a crucial role in improving this experience in our new social media. Here’s how our platform, wetlk.com, leverages AI to maintain and even enhance the social aspects of the platform: Regarding personalized content delivery; AI helps us ensure that users see content relevant to their interests. By analyzing post content and matching it with user-selected interests, we create a more personalized and engaging experience. This personalization is not about replacing human interaction but enhancing it by making sure users see what matters most to them. Besides, in order to enhance communication, our platform uses AI-driven Text-to-Speech (TTS) and Speech-to-Text (STT) functions to capture and translate speech more accurately. This ensures that communications are more natural and less robotic, allowing users to interact in ways that feel more genuine and human-like. Additionally, we want to make social media a safer space with smart moderation features. Here, AI plays a vital role in moderating content to protect users. Different people have different definitions of what is inappropriate, and AI helps us manage this by detecting and adjusting the visibility of content based on user preferences and community guidelines. This reduces the likelihood of manipulation and harmful interactions, fostering a healthier social environment. Ultimately, AI in social media is not about reducing the 'social' aspect but about enhancing it by making interactions more meaningful, personalized, and safe. Our goal at wetlk.com is to use AI to empower users, allowing them to engage in ways that are authentic, secure, and aligned with their interests.
    EyĂĽphan Aslan
    @busmark_w_nika Yes, indeed. It was the main target that we trained wetlk's AI Wizard - the post-creator assistant. The good thing is each user will train it as they like for short/long posts, for fun, or to improve based on access to a wider audience. Surely, this is the first step we have taken. Then, hopefully, soon after the launch, we will focus on improving its functionalities in a better way further (mostly) - based on users' benefit - by also learning from their experience for a better social media experience.
    Yes agreed! Thanks for sharing:)
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    you are welcome :) @heyc
    Matt Cloud
    OMG, yes! Lots of probems out there
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @t3_cloud I share your enthusiasm :D
    Thank you for sharing, Nika. This is really helpful!
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @sabrinasun happy that you find it helpful :)