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  • How is AI shaping the future of UX?

    Robin Dhanwani
    6 replies
    Steve Jobs aptly said: "Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works." This insight is more critical than ever. Having spent over a decade in the design industry building exceptional products, I find these times particularly exciting as we now tackle the powerful and potentially transformative technology of AI. Currently, the conversation around AI is heavily focused on technological advancements and the latest models, potentially overlooking the user experience in the wave of possibilities AI brings. What are your thoughts?


    AI is revolutionizing the future of UX by enabling more personalized and intuitive user experiences. AI can understand user behavior and preferences through advanced data analysis, providing tailored content and recommendations. AI-driven chatbots and virtual assistants enhance interactivity and support, while machine learning algorithms continuously improve usability and design. It leads to more engaging, efficient, and user-centric interfaces that adapt to individual needs.
    Robin Dhanwani
    @ali_shaheen I completely agree—AI's ability to analyze data and personalize experiences is a game-changer for UX. The way AI-driven chatbots and virtual assistants make interactions smoother is fascinating. Plus, the continuous improvement from machine learning keeps things fresh and user-centric. It's exciting to see how these technologies are creating more engaging and adaptive interfaces. Hacing said that, for UX design human creativity and empathy are also essential in understanding context and emotions which I feel would always be a challenge for AI.
    Hossein Yazdi
    Well, of course, AI can be helpful in almost any field these days, however, I think in most case scenarios, specifically the design field, it cannot be relied on solely.
    Robin Dhanwani
    @hosseinyazdi Very true. For UX design, human creativity and empathy are essential in understanding context and emotions.
    Paulina Hryniewicz
    Interesting question - Survicate's working on a report about the impact of AI on product research, this could be another potential report topic!
    Bhhavesh Desalhey
    As a Designer, what we can expect from AI is various ways to solve a particular problem in different ways. Afterwards, we can make decision considering what actually user wants and needs, keeping in mind to give a human touch to it. As @aniash29_cr have mentioned this before - Empathy is our superpower. AI can crunch data, but only humans truly understand human needs. - Intuitive isn't enough anymore. We need to create interfaces that feel almost telepathic. - Co-creation is the new normal. Designers and AI must dance together, not compete. - Pragmatism beats hype. Use AI to amplify human creativity, not replace it.