How important is it for you to build a strong personal brand online?

Andreas Sohns
22 replies


Hossein Yazdi
I don't think "personal brand" matters much, but building trust and showing up as a valuable person (with your content and comments) does really matter when working online.
Andreas Sohns
@hosseinyazdi I totally agree. Building trust and consistently providing value are key. A strong personal brand is a byproduct of being genuinely helpful and engaged with your audience
Adrian M. Peticila 🟡
You might call it: accomplishments personality uniqueness reputation affluence character authority integrity prestige legacy vision style I call it: YOUR BRAND.
Andreas Sohns
@adrian_m_peticila Well said! Your brand truly encompasses all these elements. It's about the unique combination of accomplishments, character and integrity that sets you apart.
Tolulade Ademisoye
Social capital
Andreas Sohns
@ato1 Social capital is so important. Building genuine connections and strong network can open up amazing opportunies
Keith Mc
Building trust and reliability is more important I think. Please show some support for our latest launch. (
Andreas Sohns
@keith_kadima_digital I completely agree. Trust and reliability are the foundation of any successful relationship, both personally and professionally.
Ahmet Can Aslan
Building a strong personal brand online is crucial for entrepreneurs. It helps establish credibility, attracts potential clients and partners, and sets you apart from competitors.
Andreas Sohns
@can_beforesunset Absolutely! A strong personal brand can make a huge difference for entrepreneurs. It not only establishes credibility but also helps you connect with clients and partners more effectively.
Nemanja Zunic
It depends on a type of a business, I guess. It's more important for the B2B businesses, than for the B2C.
Andreas Sohns
@nemanja_zunic2 I agree! it definitely depends on the type of business. Personal branding can be more critical for B2B, where relationships and trust play a huge role. But it can also benefit B2C by creating a strong connection with your audience.
My3 Murthy
Social capital is the name of the game! Going forward, founder led growth is going to be the major determinant of a company's success!
Andreas Sohns
@my3_murthy Social capital and founder-led growth are becoming essential for a company's success. Building strong relationships and leading by example can make a significant impact.
Emily Willis
Agree with Hossein! I'm not interested in building a personal brand, but I show up with care, presence, respect & honesty for others. I think it's important for everyone to acknowledge those who helped each of us get where we are & then share our own knowledge & experience with others who come after us
Andreas Sohns
@emily_willis1 I completely agree with you and Hossein. Showing up with care, presence, respect and honesty is what truly matters. Acknowledging those who helped us and sharing our knowledge with others is the best way to make a positive impact.
Business Marketing with Nika
💯 % – cause if you have your personal brand – you can create any company and your followers will more likely follow the new "product brand" – but you need to be careful, because your (personal) branding steps are under strict scrutiny and can have an impact on your business as well. But I put my energy, especially into my personal brand and can see this in many other people from Twitter indie hackers and building public makers.
Andreas Sohns
@busmark_w_nika You are spot on! A strong personal brand can definitely help launch new ventures but it does come with added scrutiny. It's inspiring to see how indie hackers and makers on Twitter are leveraging their personal brands.
Business Marketing with Nika
@andreas_sohns Yeah, Twitter and YouTube are my next stops but honestly, it doesn't go according to my expectations :D
Sarah Mooney
Critical. Makes a world of a difference when you're a founder.
Walt Wu
I think it’s better to calculate from the perspective of customer acquisition cost. Since traffic is very expensive and acquiring customers is difficult, if personal branding turns out to be the most cost-effective way, then it’s worth pursuing. For example, I believe Elon Musk has saved a lot of marketing costs for his businesses through his personal brand. When a product is unknown and there is no budget for advertising, building a personal brand might be the best way to acquire customers. Maybe 'Build in public‘ also seems to follow this strategy? I see, this is also the situation I’m currently in… Traffic is very expensive, acquiring customers is very difficult, but building a personal brand also seems challenging.