How do you stay motivated as a founder? πŸ’ͺ

62 replies
Hi Product Hunt community, 😊 Being a founder can be challenging, and I'm curious to know how others stay motivated through the ups and downs. 1. What strategies or habits keep you going? πŸ”₯ 2. Any advice for maintaining motivation? πŸ™Œ Looking forward to hearing your experiences.


My3 Murthy
I usually come to the place where I get my work done- it helps me focus and keep going regardless of how I am feeling. Also, I have co-founders- they help me feel better when I am not feeling my best!
@my3_murthy Yes having co-founders provides not only support during tough times but also motivation to keep pushing forward. Thanks for sharing your approach.
Emily Willis
Hi Priyanka! Great question πŸ™Œ I ask Marlee (our AI) different questions related to my personal motivations. Here's one eg of what Marlee says when I ask "how can I motivate myself"... "Creating Spaces of Belonging 🏑 You love being part of 'the club' - places where everyone feels like they belong; spaces filled with friendship and trust! Ensuring good atmosphere at work is vital for you. Let this reflect in how you deal with others around you – your coworkers will appreciate it!" & then under "What will drain me", Marlee writes...(& BTW Marlee nailed this one - time blindness is something I really struggle with!) "Mastering Time Management ⏳ While long-term planning may not come naturally to you due to its low priority in your life right now, consider trying simple time management techniques - like setting short-term goals for each day or week. This way, you’re focusing on tasks within sight but still contributing towards larger objectives." How do you maintain motivation out of interest?
@emily_willis1 Thanks for sharing Emily. I find motivation through setting small, achievable goals each day. It helps me stay focused on the immediate tasks while moving towards bigger milestones.
Marie-Philippe Leblanc
Persistence shows results! My motivation = results!
I belive it's a mindset. once logged in the mind you always find any reason to stay motivated
@istiakahmad Agree. Mindset plays a crucial role in maintaining motivation. Once you develop a resilient and positive mindset, it becomes easier to find reasons to keep pushing forward, even in challenging times. Consistently nurturing that mindset can make all the difference in a founder's journey. Thanks for sharing your perspective.
Always go back to your WHY. It has be to strong enough!
Terrence Kelleman
@vaibhavdwivedi "people tend to lose their way when they lose their why" - Your Best Year Ever, Michael Hyatt
CY Zhou
Staying motivated as a founder means continually reminding yourself of the impact your work can have and celebrating small wins along the way. Surround yourself with a supportive community that believes in your vision.
@lightfield Great points CY. Celebrating small wins is essential for maintaining motivation, as it helps recognize progress and keeps the journey enjoyable.
Hakim Zerhouni
Launching soon!
I stay motivated by setting clear, achievable goals and celebrating small wins along the way. Regularly reflecting on my progress and reminding myself why I started helps me stay focused and driven.
@hakz Absolutely. Regular reflection and reconnecting with your initial motivations are excellent ways to stay focused and driven. Thanks for sharing your strategy.
Terrence Kelleman
Well let's see, could be that fire behind my ass that keeps me motivated - LOL But honestly working from a point of fear is only sustainable so long as there is a fire. @vaibhavdwivedi nailed it in the comments - the best motivation is always your WHY? I'd expand on that by saying your "Why" is not just what you "want" but also what you DON'T want that can be very motivating. Maintaining forward momentum means you're continually evolving. I'd like to point out how tangentially connected personal growth is to business growth. There is a compelling reason for this; In my experience business has a way of pointing out our weaknesses. We can then choose to address them or ignore them. Those that choose to grow from those wake-up moments learn the way forward and break the old habits. Those that don't, don't.
@vaibhavdwivedi @terrence_kelleman Yes man, It's funny but true, sometimes that fire under your behind is what keeps you going. "WHY" is not just about what you want, but also what you want to avoid.
Staying motivated as a founder involves: - Connecting with the company's mission. - Setting clear goals. - Remaining adaptable. - Having a supportive team. - Prioritizing self-care. Balancing persistence with flexibility and focusing on the larger purpose helps maintain drive and resilience.
Larry Kim
I stayed motivated by focusing on our long-term vision and the potential impact we can make
Aaron Hailey
seeing our team grow and succeed keeps me motivated
Ill Robyn
watching our products evolve and improve over time drives my motivation
Ruby Alexander
I stay motivated by setting small, achievable goals and celebrating each win.
Savannah Morris
The positive feedback from our users keeps me inspired and motivated.
Nick Willstrop
Staying motivated comes from the passion I have for solving real problems.
@nick_willstrop Thanks for your comment. My motivation also really stems from my passion for solving real world problems.
Haris Morris
I stay motivated by setting clear, achievable goals and celebrating small wins along the way. It helps keep the bigger picture in perspective.
Hazel Mathew
Regularly connecting with my mission and purpose reminds me why I started, which fuels my drive.
aliza beth
Surrounding myself with a supportive network of mentors and peers provides encouragement and fresh perspectives.
@aliza_beth3 True. Having a supportive network of mentors and peers really encourage gives fresh perspectives.
Mathews Simons
Keeping a journal to track progress and reflect on challenges helps me stay focused and motivated.
Dorothy Thompson
Setting personal development goals alongside business goals ensures I’m growing in all areas of life.