How do you stay consistent?

15 replies
No, seriously. It is incredibly difficult when you are doing it all by yourself, whether it is marketing or building a project. Personally, i built for this exact reason as it helps me by tracking my goal with progress logs and sending me relevant and personalised reminders on email daily to keep me accountable. What about you? Share below.


Ali Haider
By focusing on goals in life. Think about where you are standing and where you want to be.
Julian Wong
Discipline. Know what you're doing it for and build that habit. We wanted to make, our product that launched today, a success and we continued to keep pushing to achieve something worthy of being listed :)
@julian_asa Discipline is super important, so true. Glad to know it helped you make your product launch, a success. What's your one tip on discipline?
Daksh Tyagi
Staying consistent involves setting clear goals, establishing a daily routine, and using productivity tools for accountability. Break tasks into smaller steps to manage them better, and celebrate small wins to stay motivated. These strategies help maintain focus and discipline, making it easier to handle marketing and project building on your own.
@founder_daksh That's very correct, Daksh. Do you use any tool to set goals and maintain your daily routine?
Daksh Tyagi
@realdesigntack I'm managing myself with a simple alarm on my phone. So for every task that I need to be consistent, I will set up a daily alarm on my phone and try to not avoid them at any cost. Further, for professional work, I'm using Gira as most of my work is development-related but I'm also exploring more applications for micro managing tasks.
Sanja Micic
Everything is discipline. Apps are super helpful but not necessary. But for people who have problems with organization finding tools or systems tailored to your needs can be a game-changer in managing workload and maintaining focus amidst the chaos.
@sanja_micic That's right, Sanja. What do you personally abide to?
Ashley James
I stay consistent by setting goals, making a routine, tracking my progress, and staying motivated by celebrating small achievements.
Awesome Amelia
I stay consistent by setting goals, making a routine, tracking my progress, and staying motivated by celebrating small achievements.
@awesome_amelia That is very good. How do you track your progress?
Gurkaran Singh
Staying consistent is like keeping a houseplant alive - sometimes you need reminders and a little TLC. Personally, I rely on habit trackers and gentle nudges to stay on track. How about you?