How do you start a community and where is the best platform to do it?

Jao Japitana
16 replies


Jao Japitana
Hi friends! Thank you for always making it a point to join my discussions. I have a little favor to ask. Our team is launching today, I hope you can spare a few seconds of your time to support us. Please upvote us, as we are only 2 levels away in reaching #1 product of the day 💕I would be more than happy to do the same on your launch 💯 Much love!
Dzmitry Tsemirau
There cannot be a universal answer to your question. It all depends on your product and your target audience. For example, for B2B good options are LinkedIn and Twitter.
OK, my two cents here; I believe we need to be a creator first and then the community. some people choose Instagram, while some people prefer the YouTube community section. Nowadays, creators add this as a value when they offer a product, like for this $, access to the community (mainly Slack or Discord)
It depends on your product or service. I started with I created a group, held free meetings at coffee shops and connected with lots of locals who became friends and advocates. Newsletters worked for me to own my audience and not lose visibility to algorithms or new trendy platforms.
Kyle DeSana
@derkolstad did you migrate/evolve from I'd love to know what other platforms/apps you used for community building and the effort it took.
Eliza Crescini
There are a lot of options! Maybe just try making communities on every social media platform there is?
Starting a community involves defining its purpose and target audience, selecting an appropriate platform (social media, online forums, specialized community Properties, chat apps, or your website), setting clear rules and guidelines, and actively promoting it. Encourage engagement, user-generated content, and feedback while ensuring a positive atmosphere through moderation. The choice of platform should align with your community's specific goals and your technical capabilities, with options ranging from broad social media to specialized community platforms. Start small and scale as your community grows.
Kyle DeSana
@azura_bennett really interested which platforms you've anecdotally seen the most success on for B2B. I've seen communities scattered across various platforms/apps with some looking stagnate, I imagine keeping everything up to date can be challenging.
Jovana Djekovic
It's all about finding people with common passions or goals, offering them compelling content, and giving them a space to communicate freely. Discord is great for those instant, real-time chats, while Facebook Groups can suit broader communities. When it comes to communities with a business edge, it's crucial to nail down exactly who you're speaking to - LinkedIn Groups for professional mingling.
Victor Crum
Discord is the best
I did it on discord. And I write many social media contents to won people‘s attention.
Jao Japitana
@sylvia_sheng Oh, this is a great insight, I haven't signed up for discord yet, but let me try. Thanks!
Viktor Brešan
What kind of community would you like to start, and why can't you join existing community?
Jao Japitana
@viktorbresan This is just a thought just in case you want you start something more on gathering people with the same point of views, like for example mental health. I know there are tons of communities out there, but there are some people who might be interested in putting up their own community that would have different set up or rules compared to other 😊 You can join existing communities, but let us not take away the opportunity for those who want to put up their own as well.
Viktor Brešan
@jao_japitana In case you are looking for a community to have insights into their problems that you might address with your future product, it's always easier to use an existing one.