How do you refocus?

Magic Mike Paine
12 replies
Distractions are everywhere and it's easy to get taken off course. What techniques and/or tools do you use to re-align your focus and help you stay motivated?


Mostly through my Mastermind - they help and support me focus
Magic Mike Paine
@maxwellcdavis Thatā€™s great advice. What steps did you take to find the mastermind group?
HyunGun Jung
@maxwellcdavis Is your group organized online?
HyunGun Jung
I've recently installed some distraction-blocking apps and extensions on my desktop, such as a YouTube blocker that replaces the homepage with a blank page. This helps me avoid getting sidetracked by tempting thumbnails and stay focused on the videos I was looking for.
Nikhil Mehra
physical exercising gets me in the zone and awakens me to the potential, I possess
Kwaku Amprako
write down my goals and stare at them
I do it very simple, airplane mode on my phone and opening only tabs that I need to work on my Mac. Call me old fashioned šŸ˜…
I set a timer for 30 minutes and pretend it's a bomb that will detonate if I don't complete my task. It's a game I play with myself and it works like a charm. Plus, the adrenaline rush is great for motivationšŸ˜‚
Shekhar Iyer
keep hourly tracker and track tasks what was done each hour