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  • How do you recharge after work?

    Andrei Costea
    23 replies
    Doing tasks, fighting procrastination, and overcoming deadlines can squeeze out the mental energy we need to focus. What are some activities/routines you do after a day of work to recharge? How often do you do them? Would love to hear your answers πŸ™Œ


    Divine Rivers
    I find this to be crucial as we are in high gear as we anticipate the launch of the first half of our marketplace come July 17th. Personally going to the gym 3 times a week is the best way to recharge my battery as it challenges me physically, as well as increases my confidence and determination!
    Andrei Costea
    @divine_rivers1 a fitness goal is a fitness goal, and I respect that πŸ’ͺ
    Andrei Costea
    @divine_rivers1 Awesome! Any gym related goals?
    Divine Rivers
    @andrei_costea2 I'll admit, my goals are always superficial in the summer. So losing an additional ~10 pounds in the next 4 weeks is where my goals lie atm!
    Adela Popa
    After work, I enjoy exploring the local market to gather fresh ingredients, which I then use to create delicious meals in the comfort of my home. As a food enthusiast, I not only relish the act of eating but also find pleasure in the art of cooking. It allows me to immerse myself in the preparation process, and forget about work-related stuff.
    Andrei Costea
    @adela_popa Neat! Cooking usually stresses me out, as I'm still having an "optimization" mentality while doing it. But I'm glad it works for you πŸ™ŒπŸ₯˜
    Parker Klein
    Reading. Great way to relax and learn something new!
    Andrei Costea
    @parkeraklein Cool! What are you reading?
    Parker Klein
    @andrei_costea2 Breakthrough Advertising and Willpower. You?
    Andrei Costea
    @parkeraklein Woah! I have a copy of Breakthrough Advertising, but I've heard it's a book for rather advanced copywriters, so I'm waiting a bit before reading it. What do you think about it so far? I read self-development stuff, like Letting go by David Hawking or You are the Placebo by Joe Dispenza
    Parker Klein
    @andrei_costea2 that's awesome! I'm really enjoying it. It probably is for advanced copywriters, but it has a lot of useful things to consider whenever you're writing anything :). I haven't read either of those. Adding them to my list :) thank you for sharing
    Irma Lafleur
    Walking my dog, working out, reading :)
    Andrei Costea
    @irma_lafleur that seems like a great combo πŸ™Œ
    Edward G
    Exercise (gym, cycling, walking) or something artistic. Whatever you do, focus only on that, and don't multitask. You won't recharge if you're still draining your batteries!
    Andrei Costea
    @edward_g Yup! Being immersed in a particular activity is the way to go! Thanks for pointing that out πŸ™Œ
    Nick Anisimov
    Sport, reading, and sometimes gaming.
    Andrei Costea
    @nickanisimov Ayy, what games are you playing?
    1 hour workout session and 15k steps really help out in keeping your body and mind in shape
    Donald Evans
    Well, a good book, some music, or a long walk works for me. Maybe binge-watch a Netflix series sometimes.
    Andrei Costea
    @devans_67 Sounds awesome, Donald! πŸ™Œ