If you were to rank your site on Google all over again, what would you do differently?

Andrei Costea
6 replies
There are 1000s of strategies to rank higher on Google. Which ones worked for you? Also, what would you do differently now? Looking forward to hearing your answers 🙌


Viktor Brešan
One of strategies to rank higher on Google is to have search engine optimized meta tags. Are you paying attention to those?
Andrei Costea
@viktorbresan yup! I'm using some SEO techniques, but I might find some unusual tips and tricks that boost rankings here :)
Viktor Brešan
@andrei_costea2 Here is a tip - you might check SEO Meta Description AI WordPress plugin that is free for fair usage. It will automate a task of creating search engine optimized meta description tags: https://binarysolutions.biz/word...
Madalina B
I`ll say just SEO all over it!