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  • How do you multitask?

    Misha Krunic
    48 replies
    Hello, ProductHunters! I was wondering how do you manage your time, energy, and resources when working on multiple tasks at once? It's easy to start feeling overwhelmed by work that awaits you, so please share some tips and experiences!


    Lalit Tyagi
    multitasking is always is not good. A lot of time people do it. but it's better to take one stuff at a time finish it up and move to the next. You have one brain you need a concentration to finish a task so better you take up one and do it. Although a lot of time multitasking is needed and people do it. It tends to fail most of the time
    Misha Krunic
    @lalit_mrt Yes, there's always that risking of starting multiple tasks at once and not finishing any!
    I'm rlly bad at multi tasking. I mean, I don't know how to look or what to do first. I think that writing down task and set goals must help.
    Gabriele Sangrigoli
    @jacquelinclem It is always better to just have one task, focus on it, than start with the second one.
    @gabriele_sangrigoli agree, but when you launch a product, you have to develop / design / market it. You can't be "single tasked" :/
    Gabriele Sangrigoli
    @jacquelinclem Actually, you can. Each day should have just one task, in this way you are 100% on what you do in that day. Of course you have to do different things, everyone does. It is just about focusing on 1 thing at time. Set smaller goals that can be accomplished. ''design'' is huge. Let's start with creating the lauch-page. One day on this task, any email on anything else will be answered at the end of the day. It works for me at least :) I guess we are all different
    Bryce Murray
    My biggest issue with multitasking is staying focused and accomplishing anything at all. To stay focused, I’ll write down everything I need to do as soon as I begin my workday.
    Misha Krunic
    @bryce_murray Sounds good, do you bother to check (or mark in any other way) the tasks once you're done?
    Bryce Murray
    @price2spy great question. Yes, I use ClickUp to manage my tasks. I will say, I don’t do this everyday. I like having the freedom to get away from the structure and just create/build outside of a set list.
    Misha Krunic
    @bryce_murray Thanks for sharing! It makes perfect sense wanting to balance out the rigorous schedule with some unstructured time.
    Valeriia Frolova
    prioritization is a key sometimes it's hard to multitask, so daily/weekly/monthly prioritization comes here as well, I use tools to fix what must be done and not to lose anything
    Misha Krunic
    @valeria_andreevna Makes a lot of sense. Do you mind sharing which tools you use?
    Valeriia Frolova
    @price2spy sure, now weje.io for personal tasks, miro for teamwork, earlier trello and notion. I tried so many tools already, merging to more simplier interface from time to time depending on the aims
    Matthew Johnson
    I avoid multitasking and like a lot of other people here mentioned, make a plan for each week, and each day, for what I want to get done.
    I don't actually. The best thing that I have learned from GTD is that I capture tasks prioritize it (if its less than 5 min, I complete it right there) according to the Eisenhower Box and keep moving till I finish all
    Nickolay Gavrilev
    I think in order to multitask the most important part is not to overwhelm yourself. That's why I always tear my big tasks apart and do them partially. And don't forget to rest of course!
    Misha Krunic
    @waafsn Yes, I agree, breaking up larger tasks into smaller "chunks of work" is good, I think because it helps you better feel the sense of progression and reward yourself for it! And, of course, rest — couldn't agree more!
    Martina Hackbartt
    I am sort of a native multitasker since I've always liked being involved in many different things at the same time (work, university, other courses, language learning, sports, reading and more). What works for me is basically organization: for me to get things done I need to give each task a time slot in which I'm going to do it. I like switching between different things in a day so as to not lose interest or get bored. This way, you might feel overwhelmed by the end of each task but get immediately more motivated when switching to the next one
    Misha Krunic
    @martina_hackbartt That's interesting, when I try to use time slots I sometimes find myself not assessing properly how much time some tasks will take (ie. a 5-10% offset). Do you have enough experience to know how much time each task will take?
    Martina Hackbartt
    @price2spy Yes! That usually happens to me as well, mainly with new/different tasks. What works for me is not giving myself time to do the entire task, but dedicate a set amount of hours for doing as much as I can of it. That way you don't need to calculate how much time these will take, and if one time slot is not enough, you can "schedule" another for later on the same day or the day after.
    Lior Galante Cohen (Vaza)
    Decide whether each task is urgent or not, and whether it is important or not. Start with urgent and important tasks, then move on to the rest.
    Misha Krunic
    @lior_galante_cohen_vaza_ Hmm, interesting. How far ahead do you plan? Or maybe you make decisions task after task?
    Chris Ashby
    My answer to this would be that I don't (like many others here!) Studies show that when regularly switching tasks our efficiency reduces drastically, and we are more prone to making mistakes. Along with that multitasking also means that we have to spend time re-acquainting ourself with each task we switch between, which reduces the amount of time we can spend in deep focus, deep thinking, and overall reduces the amount we get done. I usually try to evaluate what I need to get done every day by looking at: - What MUST be done (I do these first if possible, or set a reminder for timed things like sales calls etc) - The next most important thing to be done (I focus on this primarily) The key here is to try and avoid your subconscious worrying about what you need to do next, so that your entire focus can be on one task. Once you've completed that task to a level you're happy with, look at what is the next most important task to do, and focus on that. (I realise this is idealistic, and I'm by no means perfect at this, but after working in many companies where I was forced to do multiple tasks at once - which ended up affecting the quality of my output, the benefit I've found from being strict about my focus when I can has been huge!) For a sneaky bonus - I'd also say that it's also important to always align tasks with your primary business metrics - the key things that drive success and growth. That way the thing that is most important is the one that impacts your metrics most. I also like to take the dog for a walk when things get overwhelming. It lets my brain sort everything out in the background, and gives me time to just think.
    Misha Krunic
    @chrisashby Thanks for a detailed answer, makes a lot of sense! Have you heard about Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's "Flow" concept? I think it's pretty similar as to what you refer to as deep focus/thinking.
    Bharat Pasam
    Great question! Multitasking is a myth and is not very effective. The best approach is to break your work into smaller well-defined tasks that add value independently, prioritize those tasks ruthlessly, and execute them based on priority. This works for me. Thoughts?
    David J. Kim
    @bharatpasam This. Here's an article on Psychology Today that talks about it: https://www.psychologytoday.com/...
    James Jack
    Group tasks together where possible Working on completely different tasks at the same time is sure to cause confusion. Make sure that when you are planning out your working week that you are grouping similar tasks together, as it will be easier to switch between the two and meet your deadlines at similar times. Admin https://omegle.us.org/
    Context switching is a serious time killer. I try to make slots (around 2-3 hours) in a day to do focused tasks. Then I try to execute better everyday by making a note of what went right & what didn't
    @price2spy Thanks. Curious how you go about it?
    Misha Krunic
    @gouthamj Mostly prioritizing and focusing on 1 specific task at a time. Also, lately I've been taking care not to schedule significantly different tasks one after another (at least not without a significant break). With experience I kind of started understanding how much time each task will take (at least development and organisational tasks) so I know how much time to allocate for them. I've kind of started exploring some other fields (like writing for example), and that's where I still need time to see how quckly/slowly can I finish certain tasks.
    Blake Evans
    I think the most important thing about multitasking is to be really focused when working and set a specific goal for it. However, multitask is really hard to do.
    Misha Krunic
    @blakeevans I agree, but I think that's also where the main difficulty comes from - having multiple tasks you have to do, while wanting only to focus on one.
    smith Brown
    I am also working on many tasks and am busy at the same time. I am currently working on my site mepco duplicate bill and I also need suggestions. I am happy to see all the guiding steps.
    Valeria Migova
    I always start with making a to-do list and prioritizing my tasks. As a tool I love to use weje.io, really helpful. And my main secret of multitasking is to delegate everything that can be delegated 😀