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  • How do you manage stress during hectic periods?

    Ernest Wolfe
    45 replies


    Ramlal Thakur
    I take short breaks to reset my focus
    Kavya Tripathi
    Deep breaths. Staying calm. Prioritising.
    Milli Sen
    Journal. Writing things down. Sleep. I'm launching in a few hours. Stay tuned!
    Tiger L
    Taking short, regular breaks to recharge is also crucial—stepping away from work for a bit can help clear your mind. Also, maintaining a healthy work-life balance by setting boundaries and ensuring you have downtime is essential for long-term stress management.
    Robin P.
    Launching soon!
    Going for a run or walk in nature, it puts things in perspective. Ask the question "What's the worst thing that can happen?", usually the answer isn't that bad which should give you some peace of mind.
    Udaya Sri
    I take small breaks to breathe, review things, and plan them based on priority.
    Kelly Kim
    Launching soon!
    I manage it by writing in a diary or doing 5-minute meditation sessions. 🌿
    Poll Coll
    I try to stay organized and break tasks into smaller chunks. It helps me focus on one thing at a time and not get overwhelmed.
    Alex AI
    Write down everything Sport practice
    Harper Perez
    I find that talking things out with friends or colleagues helps me put things into perspective and manage stress better.
    Victoire Mathieu
    When things get hectic, I prioritize taking deep breaths and stepping away for a few minutes. It’s amazing how a quick break can reset my mind and reduce stress.
    Zaheer Khan
    I rely on exercise to manage stress. Even a short workout or a quick jog clears my mind and boosts my mood, which helps me handle busy periods better.
    Charlie Grayson
    I make sure to take short walks or do something relaxing to recharge.
    Léo Fournier
    I keep a stress journal where I jot down my thoughts and worries. It’s a simple way to unload and reflect on what’s causing the stress, which often helps me find solutions.
    Paul McCoy
    I take deep breaths and count to ten. 🥰
    Sophia James
    I listen to calming music. 🎵🎵
    Nupur Tevatiya
    Taking 5 mins, going out somewhere away from work desk, take deep breaths , might take a cup of hot tea/coffee and back to work. :)
    Raymond Yeh
    A good walk to get lunch far away helps me reset the mind. A good run with my wife also helps!
    Ava Lord
    It helps clear my mind and release tension making it easier to handle stress
    Robert Mills
    I tackle tasks based on urgency and importance taking short breaks to recharge