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  • How do you maintain a work-life balance routine?

    Abdul Rehman
    16 replies


    Magomed Vedzizhev
    Taking care of my physical, mental, and emotional well-being by prioritizing self care activities such as exersize, healthy eating, getting enough sleep, and managing stress through relaxation techniques or therapy. This is so important to me
    Hans Paul Pizzinini
    I personally prioritize mind and body activities early in the morning before starting my working day
    Do not overwork myself, i keep a strict schedule
    Pearl Jimenez
    Most likely, I am not the kind of person who can give advice on such a matter. I'm not good at it. Separate life from work. But in my opinion, the best solution and answer to the question is a clear schedule and productivity. That is, there can be 6-8 working hours, but from them we can be distracted by social networks, or coffee or something else for more than an hour during the working day. And that's really bad. After all, because of this, you do not have time to do work tasks and finish them later. That's why many people, like me, work until late or even worse on weekends. This, in my opinion, is the most difficult thing to separate the time for which you are paid and the time for life and rest. By the way, this is really bad, because due to not clearly dividing the swarm graph, burnout can occur.
    Marvin Mändle
    I'm often thinking about work life balance and the more I think about it, the more I think work life balance is about getting offline! Time without phones, tv and notebooks is quality time and I think almost everybody needs more of this to calm down in this world full of information and stress. Do sports or do whatever you want to do, but leave your phone somewhere else to improve work life balance.
    Ugine UX
    Personally I find that discipline is key here. You need to set your schedule and stick to it no matter what. As soon as you start compromising it, it all falls apart and it becomes very difficult to get back on track. Took me a long time to figure it out, but I tested quite a few routines by giving them about 1month each to see what works best for me.
    Ryan Zhang
    Maintaining a work-life balance is all about setting clear boundaries and prioritizing self-care. I make sure to schedule downtime and hobbies just as rigorously as work tasks.
    Tyrone Robb
    Launching soon!
    hahaha we are founders, work today and find some balance later.
    I stick to a base plan - just a simple plan I'd have made a day or a week or sometimes even a month. I'll make sure about 50% of my daily tasks are planned so I don't get overwhelmed. This way, I'll try to fix the rest of the unplanned tasks into my schedule so they don't overhaul and get into my personal life to my best. What about you?
    Albama Linn
    It is really hard to do this.
    Ali Asad Ullah
    Meditation works best in this manner.
    Deng Xiang
    Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is something I've really had to focus on, especially as my career has become more demanding. It can be easy to let work consume all of your time and energy, but I've found that it's crucial to set boundaries and make time for the other important aspects of my life. One of the key things I do is try to have a consistent daily routine. I wake up at the same time every morning and start my day with some quiet time for meditation and reflection. This helps me feel grounded and centered before diving into work. I also make sure to take regular breaks throughout the day, even if it's just a quick walk around the block or a few minutes to stretch. In the evenings, I try to disconnect from work as much as possible. I'll put my phone away and spend quality time with my family or pursue a hobby. I'm also really intentional about getting enough sleep - I aim for 7-8 hours per night. I find that when I'm well-rested, I'm much more productive and focused during the workday. On the weekends, I make sure to schedule in time for relaxation and fun. Whether it's going for a hike, meeting up with friends, or just reading a good book, I find that these activities help me recharge and come back to work feeling refreshed. It's an ongoing process, but I've found that maintaining this kind of balanced routine is key to avoiding burnout and staying happy and healthy, both at work and in my personal life. It takes discipline, but it's so worth it.
    Alexander Galitsky
    What is work-life balance?
    ᗰᗩ᙭ ᒍ.
    As a founder it’s all in ♠️♥️♣️♦️
    Christopher Paige
    Well, for me, playing FFXIV is a great way to wind down after a hard day’s work, connect with friends, and learn new skills. I think gaming can come between routines and daily necessities. I usually set a time limit for FFXIV to ensure I can juggle our other tasks because I know it is easy to overindulge or get lost in fantasy worlds. Limiting myself to a certain gaming time each day can help me be more organized and productive in other areas of life.
    Meeral Asif
    Work-life balance? is that a thing?