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  • How do you ensure smooth onboarding for new users in your SaaS?

    19 replies
    A strong onboarding experience is crucial for user retention in SaaS. What steps do you take to make sure new users understand your product and can start using it effectively from day one? Do you use guided tutorials, emails, or other methods?


    Launching soon!
    We use an in-app onboarding flow with tooltips and a quick tutorial to walk new users through key features. We also send a follow-up email with helpful resources to ensure they’re getting started smoothly.
    Launching soon!
    @claire_martin2 We have built-in guidance features.
    Claire Martin
    Do you mean that your SaaS already has an in-app onboarding flow with tooltips built-in? Or did you recently add it to your UX?
    Carol Moh
    We also have in-app onboarding and also have tutorials on our website and community spaces (like discord). Also have a series of emails set at a cadence that doesn't overwhelm showcasing key features that helps your target user get their jobs done is key for user stickiness and conversion (if on a free trial for example)
    Launching soon!
    @carolmoh Thanks for sharing! The combination of in-app onboarding, tutorials, and well-timed emails sounds like a great strategy for user retention and engagement.
    Pradeepa Somasundaram
    Here are a few options that you can implement to ensure smooth onboarding Offer a guided product tour or tooltips to highlight key features and show users how to navigate the platform. Tools like WalkMe or Pendo can help create these interactive guides. Integrate a well-organized knowledge base like Document360 to provide users with on-demand resources. This allows users to explore guides, FAQs, tutorials, and troubleshooting articles at their own pace. Offer live chat support (using tools like Intercom or Zendesk) to provide real-time assistance if users have questions or run into issues during onboarding.
    Launching soon!
    @pradeepa_somasundaram Thanks for the great suggestions! I love the idea of using interactive guides and live chat support to enhance user experience during onboarding.
    Launching soon!
    I will create a series of simulated data for users by default, such as example projects. This way, when users enter the interface, they can immediately click a button to see the final effect of the product.
    Launching soon!
    @an_zuo Great idea! Providing example projects is a smart way to reduce friction and show value immediately. Thanks for sharing your approach!
    Pierre-Yves Dubreucq
    I'll follow your thread because I think it should be one of my next challenge for Sweego Our product is really simple, but I think we could be better
    Launching soon!
    @pydubreucq Thanks for sharing! Simplifying onboarding can always help. Looking forward to seeing how Sweego improves its user experience.
    Joanne Hurley
    I map out the ideal user journey that leads the user through the key activation milestones. I try to segment this by the ICP and percieved usercase so that each user is not treated as a one size fits all. I set up behavioural triggers (in app, emails etc), to nudge or 'cheer'. I also where possible make it as self service as possible, so have multiple different resources in different ways so the user can learn in the way that best suits them. Depending on the complexity the ability to schedule a calll with someone can make tthe difference without enforcing it.
    Launching soon!
    @joanne_hurleyv1 Thanks for sharing! I love the idea of behavioral triggers and providing multiple resources for different learning styles. Really helps personalize onboarding.
    Felix Sattler
    I don’t think there’s a one-size-fits-all game plan for launching a product. Every product and user group is unique. But to get off to a solid start, I believe these three elements are crucial: Tooltips for form fields that need clarification: If users frequently fill out certain form fields incorrectly, that’s a sign you may need tooltips. Try stepping outside of your own perspective. Consider what a user unfamiliar with anything like your product might enter in those fields. Clear tooltips can prevent confusion. Explanatory videos: We created several tutorial videos to help guide users through the onboarding process, and the feedback from the community has been great! You can check them out here: How to create a FAQ automation with easybits: https://youtu.be/EUWyHwacrT4 How to create a Slack Token: https://youtu.be/5obrMMWY5CQ How to create a Telegram Token: https://youtu.be/jqgXoni1Ru4 UX, UX, and more UX: While tooltips and tutorials help, the best way to ensure smooth onboarding is to have a seamless user experience (UX). Apple famously tested their products with kids because kids don’t have the patterns or biases adults do. If a child can easily navigate your product, you’ve probably nailed the UX.
    Launching soon!
    @felix_sattler Great insights! I completely agree—clear tooltips and a well-designed UX are essential for a smooth onboarding experience. Videos definitely help too!
    André J
    I make sure even robots can onboard successfully 🤖
    Launching soon!
    @sentry_co That’s a great approach! Ensuring even automated systems can onboard smoothly means your process is truly optimized for all users.
    KC Onrade
    this is an interesting topic. Following on this thread.
    Sophia Marie Thompson
    We use a video walkthrough to demo key features for new users. Also have contextual in-app prompts that highlight important functionality as they explore. Combine that with a kick-ass knowledge base and you're golden! 🌟 The key is making it easy for users to discover value quickly without getting overwhelmed.