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  • How do you discover NFT music?

    4 replies
    How do you discover NFT music? Any pain points or challenges you've faced? We want to hear about your experiences and frustrations to create a better solution. Share your thoughts and ideas on what you'd love to see in a platform dedicated to NFT music discovery. Let's revolutionize the way we explore this incredible genre together!🙋


    Social Media and word-of-mouth. And, if in the right position, through radio, both terrestrial and internet. In addition to collaborations. Extending the artists' reach from one network to another is key to the current market.
    I've a few ways people discover NFT music – from social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram to dedicated NFT marketplaces. But there are definitely some pain points. Sometimes it's like searching for a hidden gem in a vast sea of content, and finding quality tracks can be a bit overwhelming.
    Rustam Eldarov
    Oh! I had no idea that it even existed. Does that count for a challenge? :)
    Binta Basiru
    Discovering NFT music is an exciting yet sometimes challenging endeavor. The NFT music space is growing rapidly, and while there's a lot of incredible talent out there, finding these hidden gems can be a bit like searching for a needle in a haystack.One invaluable resource that's been helpful for me is the NFT Drops Calendar. It's a go-to tool for staying updated on upcoming NFT music releases and events. Having a dedicated platform for NFT music discovery would be a game-changer.Let's work together to create a platform that not only eases the pain points but also elevates the NFT music experience for everyone involved!