How do you decide which new tech trends are worth following?

Michal Balšianka
3 replies


One tech trend definitely worth following is the integration of cutting-edge technology in product design and collaboration with prototype making companies. As the tech industry evolves, the partnership between designers and prototyping experts is becoming increasingly crucial. This collaboration is driving innovation and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, leading to the creation of groundbreaking products that are shaping the future of technology.
Andrei Ciulinaru
That's a good question, I believe we should all rely on our due diligence. I, for example, don't buy all the AI bullsh*t. Every new app states it has some AI powers, haha
Gurkaran Singh
Deciding on new tech trends can be like choosing toppings for a pizza - sometimes you go with the classics, other times you try the unexpected for a pleasant surprise. Keep your eyes on the horizon, but don't forget to savor the tech that already has you hooked! 🍕🚀 #TechTrends #StayCurious