How do you build and maintain a strong community around your product?

31 replies
Building and keeping a strong community around my product has been tough because it needs constant interaction. That's why I'm interested in hearing how others have managed to do it.


Commenting here because I'd also love to hear about this :)
CY Zhou
Launching soon!
Building and maintaining a strong community around your product requires consistent engagement and genuine interaction with your users. By actively listening to feedback and fostering a sense of belonging, you can create a loyal and supportive community.
Tanya Sharath
I start by creating a welcoming environment where users feel heard. Regular updates and responding to feedback help maintain that connection.
@tanya_sharath How do you share updates? Using your project socials?
John from Yotta Buzz
@tanya_sharath Do you see your users show up in one social media channel/place or do you focus on newsletter subscription?
Kehui Guo
Use social media to keep constant updates, and engage with the community regularly on Discord
John from Yotta Buzz
@kehui_guo Thanks! do you also use newsletters?
Kehui Guo
@yotta_buzz Currently nope, we’re using the discord channel to post updates in our community. However, we do have newsletters in our roadmap for the future.
Lorenz Sell
Launching soon!
We host regular Zoom calls and have a newsletter where we share high value content and free upcoming workshops. We love our community and they contributed over $130k to an Indiegogo crowdfunder that we ran a couple years ago ( We don't really do much social media. Mostly just live calls.
Ayaz Akram
Recognizing and rewarding active community members fosters loyalty and encourages continued participation.
Debra Hetrick
I host live streams and webinars to interact with the community in real-time and answer their questions.
@debra_hetrick What tools are you using to share your live streams and webinars? Youtube?
Vhim Jana
A strong community isn't just about the product itself. Offer additional value through exclusive content, educational resources, or even industry events. Building genuine relationships with your users and fostering a sense of community goes beyond the product features. By addressing their broader needs and interests, you can create a loyal and engaged community
User recognition goes a long way! Highlight user-generated content, feature success stories, and acknowledge valuable contributions from community members. This incentivizes participation and makes users feel appreciated. I've seen communities flourish when users feel valued and recognized for their contributions.
David Joshua
A strong community thrives on shared values and a sense of belonging. Clearly communicate the values your product represents and how it empowers users. Giving users a platform to share their experiences, successes, and even challenges can foster a sense of camaraderie and collaboration.
Hana Salazars
Creating a mentorship program within the community helps build stronger connections and provides value to new members.
@hana_salazars I love this idea. How to you set up this program?
Jackson Oscar
I use storytelling to connect with the community on a personal level, sharing the journey and mission behind our product.
@jackson_oscar You share this story using social media?
Zack Nick
Organizing local meetups or virtual events helps build a sense of community and allows users to network.
Parker Oliver
Providing educational content and resources empowers the community and fosters a culture of learning.
Tywin Del
I actively participate in community discussions, sharing insights and engaging with users regularly.
Tiff C
Keep regular updates, throw yourself into active interactions with all your supporters, and collect feedback with caution.
Christian Ross
Celebrate your community! Recognize and celebrate user achievements, birthdays, or milestones. Showcase success stories, user-generated content, or even host contests to keep your community feeling valued and appreciated. A little recognition goes a long way!
Listen and respond actively. Show your community you care! Respond to comments and questions promptly, address concerns openly, and incorporate valuable feedback into your product development roadmap. This builds trust and demonstrates that you value their input.
David Baker
Foster genuine connections. Encourage user-to-user interaction through forums, discussion boards, or even an in-app chat feature. Let your community be a space for members to solve problems together, share best practices, and build relationships.
Parker Robert
Provide value beyond the product. A strong community thrives on shared interests, not just product features. Host webinars, AMAs (Ask Me Anything) with industry experts, or create user-generated content contests to keep members engaged and learning from each other.