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  • How can you deal with overthinkers?

    29 replies


    Dealing with overthinkers requires patience, empathy, and effective communication. You can try supporting overthinkers in managing their thoughts more effectively and fostering a more productive and positive mindset
    Kostya Bolshukhin
    Subscribed to find out how to deal with myself
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    @kostyabolsh Not getting you?
    Zenya Alia Zahra
    First we have to listen and support by hear them out patiently. And then trying to tell them to focus on small steps. Reassure them that it’s okay to make mistakes. Suggest them to try meditation or deep breathing. We can also share alternative views. Then recommends them to take breaks if needed. Lastly, if its getting worse, recommend them to seek professional help if necessary.
    Dirgantara Aga
    Explain in detail what we mean so that he doesn't overdo it
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    @dirgantara_aga Yes That's really important if you know someone who overthink and overthinker so clear with everything in first call. so that they feel relaxed.
    Zebracat AI
    Zebracat AI
    Launching soon!
    A friend of mine was struggling with overthinking every decision at work, which was slowing down her progress. I suggested she start with small, manageable tasks and set clear, realistic deadlines. For example, instead of stressing over the perfect presentation, she focused on creating a basic outline first. This approach helped her gain confidence and gradually reduce her overthinking. Over time, she became more decisive and less overwhelmed, realizing that progress was more valuable than perfection.
    Launching soon!
    @hamza_afzal_butt That's great advice! Starting with small, manageable tasks can really make a difference and helpful for those who overthink a lot they want to see the success in small time and starting with small tasks really help a lot because of result outcome.
    Flow State Training
    Flow State Training
    Launching soon!
    Are you talking about people around you who overthinking or your personal nature of overthinking?
    Adeeb Malik
    I believe everyone has a process, and overthinkers tend to vary off of the process quite often than others. That again is a boon and a bane in a mixture. How do I deal with them (and me)? Show the end goal, give a stipulated time, and let em' be. They'll come around, if not, they'll improve. Overthinking is great if applied in the right direction. So, I try to channelize that to full extent 😬😅
    My3 Murthy
    please let me know- I can pass this information on to my family & friends- they need this knowledge when they are dealing with me
    Annie Engelhardth
    Honestly, dealing with overthinkers can be tough. I sometimes find it frustrating when they get stuck in a loop, but I remind myself to be patient and understanding.
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    @annie_engelhardth Yes dealing is tough but yes if you help them by understanding and sharing the clear info this will solve their problem
    Safina Seth
    I try to break things down into smaller steps for my colleague.
    Encourage mindfulness or relaxation techniques. Practices like deep breathing or thought can reduce stress and help manage overthinking.
    Layla Grace
    Providing reassurance and positive carry can be beneficial. Acknowledging their concerns and offering encouragement can help overthinkers feel more confident.
    Richard Powell
    Promote the use of written plans or lists. Writing down thoughts and priorities can help overthinkers organize their ideas and make clearer decisions.
    Encourage overthinkers to break problems into smaller parts and focus on one step at a time. This can help manage anxiety and prevent getting overwhelmed.
    Jermaine Lafond
    Suggesting practical strategies, like setting time limits for decision-making, can help overthinkers avoid getting stuck in endless loops of thought.
    I am one of those. My business partner is also my decade old friend, and he has to bring me back to reality sometimes when I get lost in my zone of over-thoughts. The best way to "deal" with such people (like me) is to help them talk back into the actual situation which is not really bad, as compared to the worse situation they create in their heads. Deal with empathy.
    I would tell him that completion is more important than perfection, and that he should do first!🔥
    Younus Mahmood
    I’m an overthinker. I take walks gain clarity and talk through the problems I’m facing with my myself that I’m overthinking or if it’s ideas that i need to simplify. Take them on a walk
    Natalia Cebotari
    Not a popular opinion here. But I prefer to avoid overthinkers. Being an entrepreneur is hard by itself, I try to stay closer, motivate and be motivated by runners and the changers, instead of feeling stuck with overthinking in any forms.
    Yashaswini Ippili
    Offer Reassurance: Remind them that it’s okay not to have everything figured out immediately. Reassure them that it’s normal to feel uncertain and that it’s a part of the process. Be Patient and Supportive: Overthinking can be a tough habit to break, so patience and ongoing support are crucial. Be there for them, and let them know that it’s okay to take their time to work through things. Provide Perspective: Share stories or examples of how others have dealt with similar situations. Sometimes, knowing they’re not alone can be comforting. I think these would be the 3 main things to think about when it comes to overthinkers.