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  • How can AI startups effectively stand out and gain visibility on Product Hunt?

    8 replies
    Standing out on Product Hunt as an AI startup appears to be challenging. To make a lasting impression and gain visibility, how do you think this should be done? In my opinion, the best way to make your product stand out is to not only focus on the innovative aspect but also to make it approachable and engaging. Meaing, it is important to present your product in a way that is both easy to understand and also relatable to users, regardless of their technical background. Showcasing the benefits and real-life applications of your AI product can further help in creating a strong connection with the audience. That's my opinion, what do you think? Is innovation more important, is it better to showcase how it can benefit people, or perhaps is generating hype the number one priority?


    I believe that showing how innovations can benefit people should be a company’s top priority. Innovating for the sake of being innovative does not have any real value if there are no tangible benefits to show in the end. Companies need to focus on creating solutions and products which will bring true long-term value.
    @jd_manager very true, just adding AI to be innovative means nothing if there's no real reason for it be there.
    Tom Willetts
    Totally agree with you! Making an AI product user-friendly and interesting is key, but the challenge is finding that sweet spot between being innovative, useful, and exciting.
    John Lins
    Honestly... by removing "AI" from the product name. When I see software whose name contains those two letters I just roll my eyes.
    @johnlins agreed! It's a extremely useful tool, but calling yourself an "AI" company will limit opportunities
    SB Group Nepal
    Wow, such a wonderful!! Thank You