Hey Product Hunters, what communities do you use for promoting your launches? Share in the comments.

Don't be shy and share the link/name of the community in the comments. ๐Ÿ™Œ


Shivam Garg
We are about to conclude our launch in the next hour, and what has really helped us are the communities on Reddit specific to our niche, LinkedIn, continuous tweeting, the supportive Product Hunt community, and several Slack and Discord communities.
Business Marketing with Nika
@meshivamgarg Do you need a specific karma count to post promotions related to PH on Reddit? Because bots and moderators sometimes delete posts. Could you share some of those Slack and Discord communities?
@david_sipos this was super helpful! Thanks again David
Owen Keller
Utilize communities like Slack, Reddit, and Indiehackers
Hey there. I've found success in promoting launches on communities like Reddit, Indie Hackers, and various niche forums. How about you? Any favorite communities or strategies you swear by?
Business Marketing with Nika
@priyankamandal I think that LinkedIn DM is a pretty good source of engagement. People are always prone to upvote if you kindly ask them.
Jaspar Carmichael-Jack
1. BetaList: 2. Hacker News: 3. Reddit 4.Twitter: 5.Product Hunt Slack:
Business Marketing with Nika
@jasparcj Thank you Jaspar, BetaList is new to me. :-) I will have a look at it.
I just use this, twitter and slack! Any you suggest?
@busmark_w_nika Any particular groups you would suggest?
Business Marketing with Nika
@ar_bell I use WhatsApp groups and Telegram groups as well. :-)
Facebook, Producthunt, Reddit, Quora, Twitter, IndieHackers, Hackernews...
Business Marketing with Nika
@cloodoworkspace That is a solid list. Do you have specific groups in mind when it comes to these platforms?