Hello and good morning! How did you spend your weekend?

Amber Gardener
38 replies
I hope you everyone had a chance to relax over the weekend. What did you do over the weekend?


Grinding for my launch soon, but I'm excited!
Jake Strack | miingl
Worked on a Pitch Deck. Ain't no rest for the wicked. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜’πŸ˜­
I went to my boxing lessons
@sylvia_sheng Packing a punch on the weekends! πŸ₯ŠπŸ’ͺ Did you leave the ring feeling like a champ?
Tegan Bradleys
It was a normal one. I did some random household stuff.
@tegan_bradleys Any unexpected victories or hilarious mishaps in the world of chores?
Iqra Arif
My weekend was full of creativity as I painted and crafted.
Irsa Doham
I participated in a sports event and had a blast competing.
I took a road trip to the countryside, enjoying scenic views.
I was repairing the car.
@mksaint13 DIY mechanic in action! Any unexpected challenges or victories in the world of car repairs this weekend?
Sidra Arif
Attended a friend's wedding and some shopping and that's how I concluded my weekend after so many working weekends.
@sidraarifali Wedding bells and retail therapy – the perfect weekend combo! How was the celebration, and did you find any hidden shopping gems?
Jaxon Smith
I went to the beach and enjoyed the calming sounds of the waves
@jaxon_smith3 Beach therapy at its finest! Did you catch any mesmerizing sunset views or maybe spot some interesting beach finds?
Jonathan Monroe
My weekend was all about attending cultural events and festivals in the city.
@jonathan_monroe Any unique experiences that made the cultural events and festivals unforgettable?
Abhishek Bhardwaj
I enjoyed the Diwali festival here in India. Decorated my house with lights and flowers, ate sweets and snacks, bursted crackers. Had a lot of fun.
Anish Sharma
I enjoy the feeling of not working πŸ˜‚...
zuhaib ashfaq
Weekdays for full-time job. Weekend for personal projects and family. No, I'm lying. I also end up spending weekdays working on side projects as well. I need a work-life-side project balance so badly πŸ˜”