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  • Have you created a community for your product on Slack, your website, or another platform?

    Rupal Saini
    22 replies
    What has worked best for you in getting people to engage? I am seeing that, mostly in the B2B SaaS space, products are building their communities on Slack and their websites. They are actively engaging with current and potential clients, sharing product updates and more. This is becoming a new channel for retaining customers and attracting new ones.


    Zebracat AI
    Zebracat AI
    Launching soon!
    I have started on Reddi.
    Rupal Saini
    @hamza_afzal_butt that's great! Can you share more about it, and how it's going?
    Salar Davari
    for my product, Pinterest and Reddit have worked. Not that we've got lots of customers through these communities, but the feedback we got from our audience there helped us improve the product.
    Rupal Saini
    @salar__davari That's great! How are you maintaining your community on Pinterest? Can you share a bit more about it? Also, who is your target audience?
    Yeah, Slack’s pretty solid for chatting. But we actually built and run our community using our own platform - Wylo, and it’s worked out great for us as a B2B SaaS. We share product updates, and sneak peeks, and handle support there, and it’s nice to have both forums and chats for different kinds of discussions. We just pop in regularly to answer questions and keep things active—it’s been a pretty good way to stay connected with all our users.
    Rupal Saini
    @senthil99nathan Thanks for sharing! Wylo looks interesting—I'll check it out.
    Benson Gao
    I believe creating a community is essential for a product because it helps you connect more closely with users
    Rupal Saini
    @bensongao yes 100%, and it's getting common, product building their own communities
    Hugo Dominic Carmichael
    We created a community for our product on Slack and it's been super helpful for getting quick feedback and ideas from engaged users. Definitely recommend it if you want a direct line to your most passionate customers to help guide your product development. The key is keeping discussions focused and the community well-moderated.
    Rupal Saini
    Thanks @hugodominiccarmichael for sharing this! How do you let your customers or potential customers know about joining your community? Do you mention it on your website, include it in your newsletter, or run a separate campaign for it?
    We’ve built our community directly within the daily. dev Squads platform. It's been a great choice because developers are already active here, which makes it easier to connect and engage with the right audience.
    Ryan Chen
    I used Intercom, LinkedIn, Reddit, and Instagram.
    Rupal Saini
    @hswpro which one is the more successful one, with more engaged users?
    Konrad S.
    Reddit for my B2C. I think it's working really well, especially since many of my users are on Reddit already.
    Rupal Saini
    @konrad_sx That's great! Can you please share it? Also is it helping you in getting paid customers?
    Konrad S.
    @rupal_saini https://www.reddit.com/r/skyica/ I do think it's helping me in getting paid customers. But what's helping more to get new users and customers is posting in related big Reddit communities from time to time, see e.g. https://www.reddit.com/r/android...
    @konrad_sx Can you create it from scratch, or do you need an account that already has karma?
    Konrad S.
    @gde You don't need Karma, just an account, which you can create immediately :)
    Priyanka Saini
    Yes, Rupal! We created a community for our product on Slack, and it’s been an amazing way to connect with users directly. It’s super helpful for getting quick feedback and ideas. Sometimes, when they have an issue, we fix it right there, and they appreciate it on the spot. It’s a great, easy way to chat with customers and solve things fast! :) We recently created our product community on Reddit too. :)
    Daniel James Harris
    Reddit has worked well for us too. The feedback and engagement there helped shape our product roadmap. We also created a Discord server for our most engaged users to have more in-depth discussions and beta test new features. It's been super valuable for building relationships with our community. Slack could also work if you want to keep things more private.