Going live on Tuesday

Richard Green
3 replies
My latest hustle goes live next week and only the second on Product Hunt! I am so excited but also very nervous. I have written a complete Toolkit for those looking to build an AI Chatbot business using our own experience and knowledge to create a complete product. The toolkit will include and 80-page ebook, templates (including the AI chatbots), tools and tips to guide you along the way. Of course we have a 50% PH discount too.


Jos Bish
Fantastic news! Best of luck with your launch on Tuesday! ๐Ÿš€๐ŸŽ‰
Good luck on your launch. Do you have a coming soon page up? Be sure to message me on LinkedIn, happy to support
Jonathan Monroe
Congratulations on your upcoming launch! Your AI Chatbot business toolkit sounds comprehensive and valuable. Exciting to see a 50% PH discount. Best of luck with the launchโ€”looking forward to checking it out! ๐Ÿš€๐ŸŒ #ProductHuntLaunch