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  • Founders, how did you collect feedback from your beta users?

    9 replies
    what are your favourite feedback gathering tool? could be in-app tools, email, slack channels etc. did you incentivise users for feedbacks? I am gearing up for a beta launch, and would be glad to receive some help. thanks!


    Suvojit Manna
    For now I use emails and forms. Audio conversations are also great when it comes to feedback. I recently read through "Deploy Empathy" which gave some good insight on how to incorporate feedback continuously !
    Suvojit Manna
    @sonimadhuri nothing complicated as of now just using tally.so
    @smanna nice! any specific tool or the email, forms are integrated with handled in backend?
    The best thing is to get on a call with your beta users for feedback. Yes, you can offer them a good discount or extend a free trial in return.
    @imtiyaz922 Thanks for the response Imtiyaz, but what if its an open beta and users might not be very comfortable getting on a call
    Jake Reynolds
    I had a top-level navigation button for "Support" that opened an in-app widget to submit tickets. I would respond within minutes and trained them to use that for not only support, but feature requests. It turned into an awesome source of "Oh this would be great!" thoughts from customers.
    @jreynoldsdev this sounds cool! will definitely use it in the app
    Aleks Dahlberg
    I'd recommend creating a slack channel and having actual regular conversations with them . Skip the forms and surveys if you can.
    The initial traction could be challenging. Might use a "Review As a Service" as well.